Speechless, so very sad……….the destruction of Christian America has speeded up…..I was told by a  Military official last year that America would not win a world war. Recruitments are way down and America will not gather together to fight a world war like we did in WWII. America is weak. The U.S. military fell more than 41,000 people short of its fiscal year 2023 recruiting goal, with only the Marine Corps and Space Force meeting their targets. The Army fell short by about 10,000, the Air Force by 2,623, and the Navy by 3,734. Government officials have said that 2024 will be a record low for military recruitment, and that the new year will see the smallest active duty force since 1940. Satan is in our military….here is the proof…..

Our tax dollars at work for Satan……..

The Christian Post

By Jon Brown, Christian Post Reporter

Freedom of Information Act documents obtained by Judicial Watch and CatholicVote.org purport to show that the U.S. Air Force has used taxpayer money to promote drag shows, drag queen story hours and other LGBT pride events for military personnel and their children.

After multiple “no records” responses to their repeated inquiries, the U.S. Department of Defense ultimately released 25 pages of documents detailing the funding of drag events on U.S. military installations, according to the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch.

The nonprofits requested “all emails and text messages sent to and from the Secretary of Defense, Lloyd J. Austin, III, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, Kathleen Hicks and the members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff regarding drag shows and drag story hours on U.S. military installations.” More Here

America is at War with Itself! Pastor Greg Laurie Lists ‘Government Overreach’ as One of the Signs of the End Times

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