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Urgent Hearts

Urgent Hearts


‭Matthew 14:34-36 NKJV‬

[34] When they had crossed over, they came to the land of Gennesaret. [35] And when the men of that place recognized Him, they sent out into all that surrounding region, brought to Him all who were sick, [36] and begged Him that they might only touch the hem of His garment. And as many as touched it were made perfectly well.


The Love of Jesus Christ starts with One of the His greatest qualities,His compassionate heart.


To touch the hem of His garment.


There are two types of people here.

The needy and Jesus.


If you think about it, is there any other type of person?


Sometimes I’m surprised to sit and think just how powerful the Testimony of Jesus Christ is in someone’s life!


Remember the women with the issue of Blood.

She had searched for answers and cures. She sold all that she had to be made well.


But without a cure comes desperation.


Desperation settles in her heart, she tries everything else.


Why not try Jesus!


She goes in faith in her guilt and shame

She catches up to Him in the crowd.

She waits for Him to pass so she’s not seen.

How can an unclean woman come into the presence of this amazing Rabbi!


She reaches out for the Hem.

She touched it, and it was made well immediately!


Jesus completely physically healed the woman with the issue of Blood. He restored her and made her clean. Being clean again gave her the ability to openly Worship God. Through her physical healing her faith was restored.

There was no other answer but GOD!


The Testimony of His Faithfulness to heal just by touching the Hem of His Garment must have gone throughout the region.


From one ear to the next.

The power of the Testimony of this woman and the faithfulness of Jesus.


Immediately they recognized Jesus, they too wanted to be made well.


Sometimes the healing we are asking for is not the healing we need.


Maybe, just maybe, this woman was made well just to be a Testimony of His power of sickness.

Maybe she went through the land proclaiming the Goodness of God!

Finally able to Worship God with no shame or guilt. Clean no longer with blemish.


This us what Jesus does!


Jesus Christ is often our last hope.

He is our last chance.

He is the only way to true healing and transformation.

He is the only One that offers this Salvation of Soul!

So many need Him and they don’t even realize that they do.


These people in Gennesaret needed Him.


There is a sense of urgency!


If this woman was healed just by touching the Hem then why would He not do it for them!


There is infinite love in Jesus that is willing and is waiting for the heart ready to accept His truth!

There’s healing of body,mind and soul is only one reach away!


They bring the sick.


One of the things we lack is urgency.

We need More urgency to know Who Christ is.

We need a more urgent desire to follow Him.

Then we need the urgency in our hearts to speak of this Man from Nazareth that has capability to heal the broken heart and the aching soul.


‭Mark 6:54-56 NKJV‬

[54] And when they came out of the boat, immediately the people recognized Him, [55] ran through that whole surrounding region, and began to carry about on beds those who were sick to wherever they heard He was. [56] Wherever He entered, into villages, cities, or the country, they laid the sick in the marketplaces, and begged Him that they might just touch the hem of His garment. And as many as touched Him were made well.


There were people that went and BROUGHT people to Jesus!

They gathered IN the Marketplace to be healed.

There was urgency!

Do you have an urgency in your heart to bring people to Christ?

Is there a desperation to offer Jesus Christ to the hurt and condemned?


These people had real needs.


Why does Jesus heal so many?

Why the Feeding of the multitude?

Why would Jesus raise the dead back to life!

These people begged Him that they might just touch the hem of His garment. And as many as touched Him were made well.


These miracles cannot be the only thing about His Ministry.


If that was His goal then why do so many still suffer.

Why is there still sickness and disease?


The miracles He does in your life is for one thing.

These miracles should lead us to a healing of the soul!

If He can heal the sickness of the body then He can surely heal the sickness of the heart!


Physical healing is just the pathway, the means that Jesus uses to get us the real healing we all need, the forgiveness of sin!

Salvation, Redemption and Restoration.

To be made whole!


But if Jesus only ministers just to our physical needs, then why do we need Salvation?


We must have an urgency in heart. An urgency that is willing not just reach the sick but to bring the sick to Hem of the One that wears the seamless garment!


Urgency isn’t just about proclaiming His name as Lord and Savior.

It’s going and living it.

It’s walking the walk.

It’s taking the short and narrow path.

It being the purifying salt and the illuminating light!

It’s walking in faith.

It’s putting to death the flesh and walks in the spirit.

It’s trusting His Word above all words.


Urgency means something that has great importance that requires swift there an urgency for you to follow Christ!

The healing power if Jesus is so overwhelming.


The Regeneration that He does in the life of someone searching is undeniable.

There were people there that had an urgency to bring the sick to just touch the hem of His garment.


The urgency in the hearts of theses people did what was necessary to bring the hurt and sick close enough for them to reach out.


Even so much so to bring them to the marketplace.

The market place was the center of society.

People bought ,sold and traded in the marketplaces.


Jesus becomes the center of IT all!

Just as He should be!


How far will you bring someone to meet the Lord of Lords!

How much does their Eternal life actually mean to you!


There is an urgency to bring even more to the Marketplace to be healed.

Why? He is able. He can heal. Only He can give them eternal life.


Reflect on this today.

Were you, at one point ,in the center of the Marketplace looking to be changed?

Did you have the courage to put your guilt and shame aside and had just enough courage to reach for Christ?

Did He heal the wounds and give you comfort?

Did He bring you peace in a troubled heart?

Did someone guide you to the Cross? Did they pray for you, with you? Did they show you the Way, The Truth and the Life?

After all that what did Jesus do?

Has He given hope of an Eternal future with Him for an Eternity of Eternities?

That’s when the urgency of our hearts will desire to bring more to the Marketplace to be healed and made whole and be presentable to God on their last day.

There is an urgency to bring even more to the Marketplace to be healed.

Why? He is able. He can heal. Only He can give them eternal life.


Many go to the Marketplace to have their fill of their needs. But this one is different.

Don’t walk to the Marketplace empty handed.

Some need to actually be brought to His saving Grace!

Be that one that does so!

May the urgency of your heart start to pound against your chest to see one more healed and Redeemed in the name of Jesus!


Pastor Ed

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