Associate Pastor at Chuck Swindoll’s Stonebriar Community Church Fired for ‘Moral Failure’

Jesus was moved with compassion and sat with them in their pain, instead of trying to correct their theology.

Photo From Churchleaders. Screengrab via YouTube / @Stonebriar Community Church

I am very sadden by this most recent report. I do not know what has happened here. The mention of moral failure saddens me to tears. Do you weep? I sure do, as to what I am seeing all around me. Jesus weeps.

Moral failure is happening all over America. It is an epidemic. More tears. Look at American politics, it is a complete moral failure on both sides of the aisle. In this old mans eyes, these two running for President are the worst choices America has ever had. Complete moral failure. You see my dear friends, moral failure is spreading like wildfire in America.

You can debate this all day long as to what causes moral failure. It is now in the fabric of America. Only God can save you.

I go over the news of the day everyday, we report it from a Biblical Worldview. Many Pastors and lay people are falling to sin. I pray everyday for all those hurt by sin. I pray for all those that have committed sins. In Jesus name we pray!

Put on the armor of God every morning when you wake up! Please! What is the full armor of God?

By the way, Chuck Swindoll is one of my all-time favorite Bible teachers! Please pray for Pastor Chuck and his Church. We also lift up Tony Cammarota to you Lord.


Dale Chamberlain

An associate pastor at Stonebriar Community Church in Frisco, Texas, has been fired for a “moral failure.” In an email to the congregation, church leadership did not release any further details surrounding the termination of Tony Cammarota and asked church members to refrain from “unnecessary speech and speculation.”

Stonebriar Community Church was founded in 1998 by famed preacher Chuck Swindoll, who served as the church’s senior pastor until earlier this year, when he named Jonathan Murphy as his successor and moved into a founding pastor role.  More Here

Billy Graham: Sexual abuse of any kind is a sin, and God’s warning is clear: “You may be sure that your sin will find you out” (Numbers 32:23).

John 11:35
Jesus wept when he arrived in Bethany to find Mary and Martha grieving the death of their brother Lazarus. Jesus was moved with compassion and sat with them in their pain, instead of trying to correct their theology.

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