This is a very impactful message from Daniel Rowlands in Beautiful Christian Life. I love their website, which is full of the love of JESUS!
When I read Mr. Rowlands message it came to me that everyone in the world needs to read his message! I have fought with an anger problem in the past. With the Lord and Sharon helping me, it has been defeated. I will have to say I can still get a bit upset when I see the world going crazy and I see empty seats in Churches and politicians going off from the mouth, rather than the brain! Sad to say, that I do not think we will see much change in the anger department here in America even thou Mr. Trump was almost killed, and a precious soul was killed. Man killed by shooter at Trump rally went to church every Sunday,’ hailed as ‘hero’ for protecting family
I was taught years ago when I got into radio to check the temperature of my listeners. How do you do that? You sense things through thru Holy Spirit. When I walk into a Church, the LORD shows me right away what I am dealing with. I could do a whole sermon on that!
It only takes me a few seconds by checking Facebook and twitter to find out the temperature of America. It is getting worse, so much worse, the hate is hot as hell.
FGGAM is driven by the Holy Spirit. Sure we make mistakes, but all of us strive to seek God before we write what we write.
As I get older I am sleeping in a bit more. I used to get up sometimes at 2am with Daisy, our doggy who passed away in October of last year. Sometimes Daisy would want to go for her walk at 2AM! HA! Anyhow, I have to really clear my head and shake off the world every morning here at FGGAM. The world will kill our spirit if we let it. I seek the LORD all the time, I talk to HIM, I plead with HIM! LORD!! What do I write and say today?
As I stared above I have to shake off the world and breathe in the Holy Spirit and pray to get my mind on what GOD wants from me today. I want to be a good servant to our LORD and all people.
Beautiful Christian Life
We have to be careful with our feelings. Some of them can lead us astray, but it can be just as troublesome when we lack feelings, especially for others. Two examples from Scripture can help, though.
The first example comes from an event in David’s life when his anger nearly destroyed him. The second is from the life of Jesus as related by the apostle Paul. Though focused on only two types of feelings—anger and empathy—each of these biblical lessons help us to better understand how our feelings may be used for good instead of for evil. More Here