Dr. Jim Denison: Did the Republican party abandon the pro-life movement?

Dr. Jim Denison: In a recent article for the Gospel Coalition, Joe Carter does an excellent job of outlining the argument for why pro-life supporters should remain uncompromising on the issue of abortion. As he notes, “Central to the pro-life ethos is the belief in the inherent value and dignity of human life. The acknowledgment that life is sacred from conception until natural death undergirds the entire movement.”


Pastor Dewey Moede: I see many posts on Facebook of people defending the GOP platform on God’s babies. Makes me want to vomit! Compromising God’s Word is never a good thing!  Politics is the playground of Satan. We have no good choice for President of the United States. Their behavior is ungodly. Biden is lost, needs to get help for health issues! Shame on Jill! The Biden family should be ashamed of themselves! Trump needs to clean up his mouth and make some sense of things. He is the champion of nothing noise at this point. Trump rambles on and on! Give him a script so he does not go off on tangents that make no sense and calls people names! Ungodly! Not Presidential! Now the GOP caves on GOD’s babies! Horrible!

What does the Bible say about abortion? Simply put, abortion is murder. It is the killing of a human being created in the image of God.

I guess our nation reflects Trump dysfunction. Trump is not a role model for my children and grandchildren! Is he for yours?

The party of Reagan is dead.

How bad of shape are we in……..just 4% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview and just 37% of Pastors in America have a Biblcial Worldview. From Barna Research. Makes me sick!

Can America ever establish a strong third party? The GOP hijacked the last movement, the Tea Party, so maybe it’s all about the MONEY AND POWER! EVIL!

Denison Forum

Dr. Jim Denison

The Republican Party recently released its 2024 platform, outlining its goals and priorities should the November elections go its way. While the document comprises a list of twenty promises and ten chapters that go in depth on a variety of subjects, the changes to the party’s official stance on abortion have received the most attention.

In 2016—the last time the GOP released an official platform since they chose not to do so in 2020—the issue of abortion featured prominently, with more than 700 words devoted to the topic and mentioning abortion specifically thirty-five times. By contrast, the 2024 version uses the term once and gives the subject less than 100 words of attention.  More Here

VOICES: GOP, please don’t betray your own platform. Politicians pander. Platforms shouldn’t.

It’s Time We Face The Music. How to Reach a Culture Not Interested in Jesus

George Barna: “People have become more selfish, churches have become less influential, pastors have become less Bible-centric”

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