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GLORY! Hundreds decide to follow Jesus at Will Graham’s ‘Look Up Celebration’ on Australia’s Gold Coast

Photo From The Christian Post. People all over the arena lifted their voices in praise to God during a powerful time of worship leading up to Graham's message. | BGEA


The Christian Post

By Anugrah Kumar, Christian Post Contributor

In Queensland’s Gold Coast, known for its entertainment and nightlife, an Evangelical event drew large crowds. Hundreds of attendees at the “Look Up Celebration,” led by Will Graham at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre, committed to following Jesus.

This region in Australia is often likened to Miami or Las Vegas for its vibrant tourist attractions and high-end lifestyle, but this free, family-friendly spiritual event with a focused message on Christian faith last Saturday stood out against the usual leisure and indulgence.

Will Graham, the eldest son of Franklin Graham and grandson of the famed evangelist Billy Graham, led the gathering. More Here


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