“God Whistles!”


“God Whistles!”

Isaiah 5:26-28 (Amplified Bible, Classic Edition)

“And He will lift up a signal to call together a hostile people from afar [to execute His judgment on Judea], and will hiss for them from the end of the earth [as bees are hissed from their hives], and behold, they shall come with speed, swiftly!”

Attention Sisters & Brothers In Jesus,

God has His Banner over us and It Is LOVE, but according to The Book Of Revelation in The Bible, “Jesus is coming back to WAR!” In Luke 4, referencing Isaiah 61, Jesus is telling us of the day and hour in which He was living, over 2,000 years ago. He was encouraging, but also declaring ‘The Great & TERRIBLE Day Of The LORD!’

Did you know that Isaiah was one of only three complete books found of the dead sea scrolls? Deuteronomy, which is the second giving of the law that was given, before Joshua took the nation of Israel into The Promised Land. Also Daniel, one of the most prophetic books, revealing all of world history.  And Isaiah, which has more Messianic Prophecies than any other book in The Bible!

I call them The BIG 3, like World War Two’s, F.D.R., the 32nd President of the United States, Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Joseph Stalin, former Premier of the Soviet Union, responsible for at least 6 million deaths, and as many as 9 million ‘foreseeable’ deaths caused by deportation, starvation and incarceration in concentration camps are included.

Adolf Hitler was responsible for between 11 and 12 million noncombatant deaths, but Chairman Mao Zedong of the People’s Republic of China was responsible for 70 million deaths in peacetime – more than any other twentieth-century leader.

Think of the other ‘3’s,’ like Noah, Daniel (AKA: Belteshazzar), and Job; Peter, James and John; Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego, formerly known as Hananiah; Mishael, Azariah and Jonah, three days and three nights in the belly of a large fish; and Jesus, three days and three nights in the heart or belly of the earth.

You might be asking at this point, what does this have to do with hissing/whistling?

Isaiah 7:18-19 (Amplified Bible)

“In that day the LORD will whistle for the fly that is in the mouth of the rivers and canals of Egypt and for the bee that is in the land of Assyria. These [armies, like flies and bees] will all come and settle on the steep and rugged ravines and in the clefts of the rocks, and on all the thorn bushes and in all the watering places.”

God’s trying to get our attention.  And while most of the world is going the way of the world, the overall (so called) church is being tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine, doctrines of men and even of demons – shouting at the devil instead of praying and praising God!

Rather than taking the offensive and properly responding to the gift and call of God, which is irrevocable, too many (Many) are taking offense instead of being on the defensive and holding ground.

You and I are called to defend ‘The Faith,’ which Jesus Is The Author and Finisher of, while He Is Our Defense we should not be moved, because we’re rooted and grounded In Him, upon The Solid Rock, The King of The Kingdom that shall not be shaken!

In an ever increasingly hostile world, justice is coming and we shall all stand before the judgement seat of Christ, before the judge of all creation. Amidst all the major problems in this present world of darkness, we are the salt that is supposed to preserve it and give it good flavor, and the light that’s told to go into it and dispel the darkness!

The Bible declares that all the nations are as a drop of water in the oceans. Nothing is too big or too small for God to handle and have His Way. Even the bees and flies respond to his hissing/whistling, shouldn’t we humble ourselves before the Mighty God we confess to love and serve?

Zechariah 10:8, Amplified Bible

“I will whistle for them and gather them together, [f]or I have redeemed them; [a]nd they will increase [again] as they have increased before [in Egypt].”

Footnote:  Zechariah 10:8 – Or hiss. From this verse a rabbinical tradition was invented that if a vulture settles on the ground and hisses, the Messiah will come immediately. It was reported to have happened once, but instead of the Messiah coming, the story went that a stone fell on the vulture’s head and killed it because it was a liar.

God promises to gather all of His Covenant People that are scattered – all who put their faith and trust In Him.  He watches over His Word to perform It and all of His Precious Promises are ‘Yes and Amen’ in Christ Jesus! He Is Our Redeemer, sent by God, the Father, so we are saved by the life/blood, death and resurrection of The Lamb Of God.  We are born-again by the Holy Spirit, the Holy ONE, Who takes away the sins of the world.

In response to the footnotes above, if we do not fall on The Rock in humility, He will fall upon us and crush us in vengeance. The battle is The LORD’s and we are more than conquerors In Him. The Victory is ours.  We have Victory In Jesus, Our Savior, Our Salvation FOREVER.  So let’s go forward together!

Too many are listening to the hiss of the serpent from the garden of Eden rather than heeding the whistle of God – Who’s calling us as one, Jew and Gentile, with each member doing their part so we can come into the fullness of God.

God is longing to add to His Church daily, increasing us in numbers to take the land and bring in the harvest, which is ripe for the taking and ushering in the second coming of The LORD.

Let us humble ourselves and pray. We have not because we ask not. So ask and it shall be given. Seek and you shall find. Knock and the Door shall be opened unto us. We’ll have an open Heaven and God will heal our land!

Worship Him in Spirit and Truth, because He’s worthy and enthroned on the praises of His People. He inhabits the praises of His People.  Always remember that where the Spirit Of The LORD is there is FREEDOM!

If you or someone you know would like to hold a prayer gathering in or around New Mexico, don’t hesitate to contact me.


Mark Tross

Prayer Coordinator for NM Prayer Connect, PATH, NM, COG, NM & El Paso, TX

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