What does the Bible say about compromise?

What does the Bible say about abortion? Simply put, abortion is murder. It is the killing of a human being created in the image of God.

I hear crickets from the pro-life community in New Mexico, and also the GOP and the Church……..The GOP is making God’s babies a political football. SHAME!

When are the Pastors in America going to start to stand in the gap for God’s babies? I hear crickets! What are you afraid of Pastor? We do not sell ice cream here…we aim to comfort the inflicted and inflict the comfortable.

Baptist Press

By David Roach, posted July 12, 2024 in AbortionSanctity of LifeWorld & Politics

MILWAUKEE (BP) — This year’s Republican Party platform is leaner than usual on references to social issues. Nonetheless, it dovetails with the stances of SBC resolutions on a variety of issues.

The most controversial paring down occurred on pro-life issues. The previous GOP platform, released in 2016, referenced abortion 35 times in 66 pages – about once every two pages. It advocated a constitutional amendment applying the right to life to children in the womb. The platform also aligned with SBC calls to defund Planned Parenthood (2017), repeal Roe v. Wade (2022) and ban the sale of fetal tissue from elective abortions (2000) among other pro-life causes.

This year’s 16-page Republican platform references abortion in just one paragraph, celebrating the overturning of Roe v. Wade, opposing late-term abortion and vowing to “protect and defend a vote of the people, from within the states, on the issue of life.” The apparent retreat from pro-life issues has drawn criticism from Southern Baptists as well as former vice president Mike Pence. More Here

Dr. Jim Denison: Did the Republican party abandon the pro-life movement?

Christians rattle Trump on abortion ahead of GOP convention. Trump is “throwing the pro-life movement under the bus.”

George Barna: “People have become more selfish, churches have become less influential, pastors have become less Bible-centric”

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