How to Walk Wisely

Walking in wisdom requires that we practice a few basics: Know God, trust Him, and obey. Is this your pattern for living? Remember, a lifetime of godliness develops one choice at a time.


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How to Walk Wisely

Are you still practicing the fundamentals of the faith?
July 6, 2024
Proverbs 3:5-6

Living committed to the Lord calls for following His wisdom. Let’s look at attitudes necessary for a Christ-centered lifestyle:

• Determination. Walking in wisdom doesn’t happen automatically. We must wholeheartedly pursue righteous living.

• Focus. To stay on the path of God’s will, we must fix our attention on His Word. As we meditate on Scripture, our mind will align with Christ’s.

• Sensitivity to the Spirit. With determination to live a holy life and with close attention to Scripture, we become more sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

• Trust. At times the Lord’s choice for us doesn’t appear sensible. Trusting in His perfect wisdom is necessary if we’re to walk according to His plan.

• Courage. Some things God requires may cause us to react with fear. As our trust in Him deepens, our courage will grow, and we’ll discover the joy of embracing His choice for us.

• Perseverance. By depending on God, we can persist and choose wisely no matter how long our challenges last.

Walking in wisdom requires that we practice a few basics: Know God, trust Him, and obey. Is this your pattern for living? Remember, a lifetime of godliness develops one choice at a time.

Bible in One Year: Psalm 139-144

Take the road less traveled


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