It is also good to watch our ego’s. Do you know what ego means? Edging God Out! An example is American politics, putting themselves above God. Facebook is also an example of ego! Boasting, I, I, I, did this! Pictures of self-boasting. The Lord told me to stop posting so many pictures of myself! Glory! I have!

Back in the day we used the term ‘bragging.’ When i was a coach in baseball and softball, I always told the players this is a TEAM, not an individual sport! The same for the body of Christ, we are a team for JESUS!

Outreach Magazine

Humble yourself. 

I know precious little about humility. However, I do know two important things about the subject:  a) Humility is a most attractive feature in high achievers and b) God requires it in all of his people.

Scripture is filled with teachings, examples, violations, commands, and encouragements regarding humility. Even our Lord Jesus Christ was humble and became our example. (Try these passages for starters: Matt. 11:29; John 13:14–15; Phil. 2:5–8.)

Scripture tells believers to put on humility (Col. 3:12), to be clothed with humility (1 Peter 5:5), and to walk with humility (Eph. 4:1–2).

The Lord wants his children to be humble so much that he has given us seven aids to accomplish this and thereafter, to keep us that way. More Here

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