This is such an excellent message from Gabe Kolstaf in Outreach magazine! Pastor Gabe really hits a grandslam homerun here! I have been stating for years now that the greatest failure of the American Church over the last decade or more, is not obeying the command of Jesus to carry out the Great Commission. The Church is paying a deep price for this failure. So many Churches do not baptize. So many Churches do not leave their walls. So many Churches do not have youth attending. I pray this message by Gabe will resonate in your heart and soul. I also have added some comments.
It’s time we face the music. That day we’ve heard about, it’s here.
Our culture doesn’t care about Jesus.
I know, it sounds irreverent—but it’s true. The prevailing posture of our nation is rapidly equalizing on this issue, especially in a post-COVID world. As we all know, the coronavirus has only accelerated changes that were already in motion. Even in places formerly known as “religious,” mindsets about Christianity and Christ are shifting at an unprecedented rate. Sure, the Wild West and the Chilly Northeast have an edge. Still, we all need to understand how to navigate the new normal.
Two big questions every pastor needs to wrestle with: More Here
I love to watch my hometown, Windom, Minnesota in action on Facebook! They are recovering from a terrible flood. My brother Dave and his wife Denise got flooded out of their home and my Sister Deb who lives near Reading, Minnesota on her farm, suffered crop loss. The area came together as they always do to help each other. I also watch the Church I grew up in on Facebook, the American Lutheran Church. Man oh man! They sure are active in the community. Windom is a town of just under 5,000. The Church has an excellent youth program! They do an excellent work in reaching out into the community and beyond. I see so many children in Church at ALC and the youth program is booming! Here in New Mexico I witness dying Churches, sadly it is happening all over America. Young people are missing, there is a lack of a ‘feeder system’ in these failing Churches to replace us old folks. Tragic.
Years ago when I was working with a Church that was struggling big time, the head of the Baptist Convention of New Mexico, Joseph Bunce told me, “Dewey, some Churches just need to have a funeral!” Man, did that set me back a step or two. I had never heard that before. After awhile, and much prayer and talking to GOD, I knew he was right.
Unity of Christians is more vital now in America than ever! It is not happening! Sadly some Churches are identified with a political party, others not welcomed. I have witnessed this and hear about it from folks. UGLY! Politics sure has messed up GOD’S Church. We all will have to answer to GOD.
I would like to see Churches combine their efforts for Jesus. Merge! Does ego get involved? I know it does. Here in Albuquerque we have a Church on about every street corner, but the city has gone to hell. Why spend money on a building? Are you saving souls? Why can’t all the Churches come together? Talk to JESUS about that. EGO stands for Edging God Out.
Sometimes I wonder if I am preaching to the wind.
I am not here to comfort the inflicted and comfort the inflicted.
I challenge every Pastor to go out into your community and talk to people in the grocery store, the post office, the bank, and on the streets. You will learn a great deal why people do not go to Church.
FGGAM is a Great Commission ministry. God founded FGGAM 12 years ago next month. We eat, sleep and drink the Great Commission. It is our mission from God. What is yours?
Are you changing your community for JESUS?
I just turned 68 on the 4th of July. I have never seen my country so bad off. It is going to get a lot worse. What are you going to do about it? I pray and weep.
We only get one shot in serving JESUS here in earth and I will continue to do my best with my wife and my ministry partner Sharon. Glory!
46% Of U.S. Adults Now Unchurched
Why Churches Talk the Great Commission But Don’t Do It
FGGAM does use Facebook to reach people, but that is just a small portion of what we do behind the scenes. Do not people realize that use Facebook they are preaching to their own choir???? I work from about 3 to 4am to 6pm everyday. I monitor Facebook for news stories and I have some fun with it! I love to post some funny stuff. But let me ask you this…..If you are constantly on Facebook and preaching to your own choir, how are you reaching the lost? I shake my head at people that post hate toward ‘the lost’ or toward their political opponents. I hope they realize that does no do much good at all, just makes Christians look bad. Why do you not take the time on Facebook and hit the streets and carry out The Great Commission for heavens sake!
I have come to realize some people live on Facebook.
I thank God for what is has and is teaching me everyday. God tells me what to do.
George Barna: The US needs a ‘spiritual awakening’ to achieve ‘unity’