I do not sell ice cream here…..I have come to comfort the inflicted and inflict the comfortable.

New Mexico is full of evil. Police work hard to enforce the law and catch the thugs, and most likely when they are arrested they get a slap on the hand. It has been this way forever here. Nothing changed when we had a Republican governor for 8 years. Susanna Martinez failed big time. Catch and release and the evil of killing God’s babies through abortion went on during her administration. She did nothing for God’s babies. New Mexico needs a come to JESUS meeting. It only gets worse here. The politicians are not going to help anything, only GOD can change this state.

I am sick and tired of the lack of Christianity in this state. I am sick and tired of the killing of children through abortion and other evil ways. This fellow who killed Pronoy Bhattacharya only got 25 years. Do you think that is even a deterrent to crime? Do you think that is enough punishment for a man who drove off after killing this little boy? Do you think that is enough time in prison for alluding Police? Can you feel any of the pain Pronoy’s parents and family feel?

Our hearts ache for Mommy and Daddy and the entire family. There is no Justice here. Nothing much has changed here since the evil days of the Lincoln County War. New Mexicans killing each other and so much corruption. More Here

(KRQE) –The man who killed a seven-year-old boy during a drunk-driving hit-and-run crash outside of the River of Lights in 2021 will spend more than two decades behind bars. Sergio Almanza was sentenced on Tuesday but before the judge issued his ruling, the family of Pronoy Bhattacharya got to speak on the boy’s behalf, two days after what would have been his tenth birthday.

Judge Brett Loveless sentenced Almanza to 25 years behind bars. Almanza’s lawyer said while they respect the jury’s decision, his client maintains he was not drinking and this was a case of reckless driving. No word if they will appeal. More Here

Does it really matter if it is drunk driving or reckless driving? Come on, shame!

New Mexico is in such a very evil trend, only JESUS can save you, not politics. There is no deterrent to crime here! Horrible!

At 3am today I heard street racing going on here in Taylor Ranch. More will die because of this evil behavior. Do not blame the police! This is a heart issue! Hearts for JESUS are lacking here and all over America. New Mexico Has The 2nd Most Road Rage Incidents in U.S.

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