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‘No other gods before me’: 7 false gods of the present age

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Way to many Christians have put themselves on the throne of God in their own mind. Many have put politics above God. They play political footfall with HIS BABIES! There is no longer a pro-life political party in America. Trump’s selection of JD Vance draws mixed reactions from pro-lifers: From ‘exceptional’ to ‘heartbreaking’

The Christian Post

By Mark Creech, Op-ed Contributor 

In the book, “The Ten Commandments Yesterday and Today,” author James Burton Coffman, formerly the minister of Manhattan Church of Christ in New York City, noted that William Jennings Bryan had identified many false gods of his time. Bryan’s list included Gold, Fashion, Fame, Ease, Intellect, Travel, War, Passion, Chance, and Drink. Coffman wrote, “Volumes could be written about each of them and dozens of others. Anything that absorbs the soul’s attention and claims uppermost affection in the heart is a god in that heart and soul. The first commandment identifies the rightful claimant of man’s inner throne. It is none other than Almighty God himself.” [1]

In the previous article“7 false gods of the present age, ”three gods of the present era were discussed: Humanism, Historicism, and Evolutionary Science. Such idolatry is rarely recognized as such. When people think of idols, they typically envision ancient times, with individuals bowing down to grotesque, half-animal, half-human stone figures believed to be imbued with powers. While this form of idolatry is less common in Western cultures today, it still exists in some parts of the world. However, modern idolatry is more refined. Even professing Christians can fall into its grasp. More Here

Compromising the Word of God is why America is failing, it is also why the Church in America has lost its influence on society. The Church is so very quiet about the killing of God’s babies. Shame. George Barna: “People have become more selfish, churches have become less influential, pastors have become less Bible-centric”

46% Of U.S. Adults Now Unchurched

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