Please, please, please, we must all tone things down

FGGAM Photo From Yellowstone Park

Pastor Dewey Moede: Oh Lord, we are in tough shape here in America. We are so very divided. Hate is flaming. I pray that many will come to know YOU through this tragedy. May all Americans come to know the TRUE PEACE THAT YOU OFFER ALL! May all know that we can disagree without violence. We love you LORD, We put our trust in your ways, not ours, in the Mighty and Loving name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

The Christian Post

By Michael Brown, Op-ed Contributor

As we all sit here stunned watching the footage of the attempted assassination of President Donald Trump, it really is a time for reflection. Are we contributing to this atmosphere of hatred and violence? What kind of emotions do we stir up with the words we speak and the memes we post? What are we fomenting? To what end?

With that in mind, I posted this on X at 6:48 p.m., ET on Saturday: “For anyone sick enough to be happy that someone tried to kill former president Trump, SHAME ON YOU. May God help you recover your humanity.”

I truly pray it is not too late. More Here

A Prayer of Agreement For America

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