STOP THE UGLY GOP! Republican leaders warn against sexist and racist attacks on Harris

Men that attack women are so very weak and evil. These type of men are no role model for our children. If the GOP uses hate as its platform, it surely will lose the election. I do not support any political party. Politics is destroying America, including the Church, which has become too political. I can now identify a Church by its political beliefs rather than its denomination and Biblical Worldview. As I have said for years, politics is the playground of Satan. 

FGGAM photo of Pastor Dewey Moede. Sharon and I spent three days ministering in Catron County. I am so very thankful to our Lord that Sharon travels with me now! Sharon makes our ministry much stronger! Glory! God gives us such joy! We so much love being a Great Commission ministry! A FULL HOUSE yesterday at the First Baptist Church in Glenwood! Glory! God is so very good to us! Folks loved our TEAM JESUS shirt!

Just released from Lifeway Research: Currently, 32% of U.S. adults say they have trust in organized religion or the church, hovering near all-time lows. I wonder why!!!! POLITICS! UGH!

Only a fool talks bad about individuals. It is ungodly. I see this ugly behavior on Facebook from self-proclaimed Christians, they will have to answer to GOD! You are a fool if you if you think you can hide your sins from God. Using race to gain power, how evil! Shame on you. I am an old guy. I no longer fit in this America. I do not even know if many Americans know what shame means. God knows what you say and do.

You show a low intelligence level with racist comments. God knows no race. He knows us all! Do not be a fool. A racist is down right evil. Are you a racist? Are you sexist?

The Bible describes a fool as someone who misuses God’s intelligence, lacks wisdom, and doesn’t follow God’s commands. Fools are often associated with wickedness, and the Bible says that they are on a path to destruction.

PS: Men that attack women are so very weak and evil. These type of men are no role model for our children.

If the GOP uses hate as its platform it surely will lose the election.

I do not support any political party. Politics is destroying America, including the Church, which has become too political. I can now identify a Church by its political beliefs rather than its denomination and Biblical Worldview. As I have said for years, politics is the playground of Satan.

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George Barna: “People have become more selfish, churches have become less influential, pastors have become less Bible-centric”

How does the Bible describe a fool?

We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament and New Testament are the inerrant, inspired, and infallible Word of God. God’s Word is the final authority for faith and life. We believe there is only one God, and He has chosen to reveal Himself as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

–FGGAM is a nondenominational, nonpartisan, Independent ministry–

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