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The Consequences of Compromise

The Consequences of Compromise

When you struggle with temptation, it’s wise to pause and ask the Lord for help.
July 5, 2024
Titus 2:11-14

Stuck again. Is that an apt description of your life? For many believers, it is. Even when they know why they are stalled, some can’t move past the sin that trips them up. Others are blind to the source of their troubles and feel as if all they do is run in place.

Israel, God’s chosen nation, had a history of defeat from yielding to temptation instead of obeying the Lord’s commands. Compromise defeats us, too. God calls His children to live obedient lives, but it’s easy to become preoccupied with the things we want—and then to reinterpret God’s commands in a way that suits us. What’s more, the world clamors for us to fit into its mold but shows little or no inclination to follow God’s way. And Satan can gain a foothold in our life whenever we disobey or attempt to bypass God’s laws.

We’d be fooling ourselves to think we can compromise and still live a Christ-centered life. The Lord commands us to reject ungodliness (Titus 2:11-12), and we’re wise to listen.  Thankfully, we have the Holy Spirit’s power to help us. A good place to start is by agreeing with God that an attitude or action of yours is displeasing to Him. Then determine to set your mind on obedience, whatever the cost.

Bible in One Year: Psalms 132-138


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