The Eyes Of Our Father… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


The Eyes Of Our Father…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. Yesterday after church I ran a quick errand, and my eyes were drawn to a sign. I must admit most of my signs are God’s Word. This sign was not, but the saying hit me. It’s words were about the ocean.

I am always inquiring of Jesus. Hey Jesus, anything I have you want? Anything I can do for you? Father, I am a willing vessel. Show me and I will do it. I like to work for Jesus. It doesn’t feel like work. It just flows from who I am.

My checkbook is his and together we do as he says. I was bought with a price and all I am and will ever be is because of Jesus.  

How about you? Have something you could give Jesus today? Ask him for an assignment and do it. Don’t worry about the cost or if you could make money off of Jesus. He rewards in ways that money cannot buy. Ready for a great day?

Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you for assignments bigger than the ocean, deeper than the sea. Father, show us where you would have us be. Order our footsteps today and every day.

Father, you see everything, and you know everything. Everything we own is because you oh God, allowed it. We give it back to you today. We were bought with a price, the precious blood of Jesus Christ and we want to be a vessel to use for your glory.

Father, thank you for another day. May we see with the eyes of our Father. Amen.

Have a blessed day God’s most beautiful people. Jesus has a plan for every life. Help one another be the best they can be.

But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8






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