The Grace of God

Because of Jesus, we live with the favor of God.


Many Churches in America have forgotten to build bridges to folks who do not know JESUS! Too many love preaching to the choir! WAKE UP CHURCH! IT IS CALLED THE GREAT COMMISSION!

The Grace of God

In Touch Ministries

Because of Jesus, we live with the favor of God.
July 19, 2024
Romans 5:1-2

Grace is far more than a mealtime prayer—the word communicates the idea of blessing. As believers, we’re the recipients of grace, which is poured out on us by our heavenly Father. Let’s look at how we experience this amazing benefit of His love.

God’s favor is seen in our salvation (Eph. 2:8)—a blessing undeserved and unearned. Nothing about us prompted God to save us; He acted purely out of His goodness, sacrificing His Son Jesus in our place. In that way, we could be reconciled to the Father and adopted into His family. Upon salvation, we were transferred from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light (Col. 1:12-13). Here, we live out our new identity as God’s children and carry out His purpose of glorifying Him.

The beauty of grace becomes especially clear when we consider who we once were: We were spiritually dead, living according to our own selfish interests (Eph. 2:1). But now, through faith in Jesus as our Savior, we’ve been justified by God and given new life. He has declared that we have right standing before Him (Rom. 8:1). All of our sins were placed upon Jesus, and His righteousness has been credited to our account permanently.

Picture yourself living in the favor of God. Internalize this truth, and then give Him thanks.

Bible in One Year: Ecclesiastes 9-12

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