VOICES: GOP, please don’t betray your own platform. Politicians pander. Platforms shouldn’t.

Ryan Bomberger: The contrast couldn’t be more pronounced. Democrats are the Pro-Abortion Party. Republicans are the Anti-Abortion Party. Yet some forces want to blur those lines and dilute the principled stand the GOP has held since its inception. The Party founded on the belief that we’re all created equal is still fighting the Party that refuses to believe all humans are persons and therefore afforded the protections of the Constitution. Remember, it was the Democratic Party that was willing to go to war to protect the inhumane institution of slavery.


The Christian Post

By Ryan Bomberger, Exclusive Columnist

Politicians pander. Platforms shouldn’t.

Each Party’s manifesto is an articulation of their firmly held beliefs. The Democratic Party will “oppose and will fight to overturn federal and state laws that create barriers” to abortion. We see this belief carried out in every federal and state law proposed and passed by Dems: unlimited abortion throughout pregnancy for any reason. The Republican Party, to the contrary, emphasizes the Declaration of Independence’s “inalienable right to life” and has called for a Human Life Amendment to the Constitution to protect the unborn. More Here

I wrote this on July 10th:

Put the heat on Trump and the GOP! Playing political football with GOD’S babies! Satanic! So very foolish. Trump and the GOP are trying to get on the throne of God and tell GOD when life begins. Forget about the DEMS they are a lost cause. My goodness,  the GOP sure has become so weak on GOD’S babies since Roe v Wade was overturned. Its an election year, so do anything to get elected! GOD will have the final say on all of us.

If you are a Christian, you should hold Trump and the GOP to a Biblical Worldview. More Here

Lila Rose, founder and president of the anti-abortion group Live Action, said the new Republican platform wording represents a “downgrade.” But beyond that it has created an awareness about Trump, who she said is “throwing the pro-life movement under the bus.” “The people in trenches are unhappy with it,” Rose said.

Trump is rambling nonsense more than ever. The last two days I have listened to some of his recent speeches! Blabber and blabber, he goes off on so many rabbit trails. He does not make sense to me. Joe needs to get the health care he needs. It is horrible what his family is doing to him. Shame on Jill. Our choices are not good.

Mark Twain once said, “The only difference between a Republican and Democrat is the spelling.” So true.

What ever happened to the ‘Party of Reagan?”

Whatever happened to being Presidential?

George Barna: “People have become more selfish, churches have become less influential, pastors have become less Bible-centric”

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