When The Sun Doesn’t Shine… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


When The Sun Doesn’t Shine…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. Happy Wednesday! Well thank God for a new day. Yesterday, it rained hard, and it was not the day I expected. I thought the sun was going to shine and I anticipated my day would look much different. We had some heavy rains, and my day had a few bumps in the road.

Some days are just like that. The day doesn’t always pan out the way we expect. It’s good to walk with someone that knows the beginning of our days til the very end. We can rest in his promises and know everything is going to be alright. Even on days when it is less than what we expected, it’s still a good day. He tells us to praise him in all things. (Psalm 34:1) Even when we think it is going to go one way and it ends up another, we can rest in his promise to us. He is a faithful God, and he will give us the strength for each and every day. (Deuteronomy 33:25)

Let’s Pray:

Father, we give thanks for a new day. Whether the sun shines today or it’s a bit cloudy, we give thanks. You tell us that all things work together for our good and we believe. (Romans 8:28) We keep our eyes fixed on you as you continue to direct our steps. (Psalm 37:23)

Father, we commit this new day back to you. Thank you for the many blessings you bestow upon us. We receive from your throne room again today. Amen.

Have a blessed day God’s most beautiful people. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6



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