Yes God! Whatever You Say… Angel’s Prayer of The Day


Yes God! Whatever You Say…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. It’s my birthday. Today, I am 62 years of age. My momma gave birth to me on July 15, 1962 in Fort Kent, Maine. I am the youngest of our clan. I was the fourteenth birth to my parents. Somebody shout sometimes God saves the best for last. (Just kidding).

Yesterday, I sat in church worshipping God, and I heard the words, prepare for India. I have had an open invitation to India for a few years now. I remember one of my prayer partners told me that I would know when it’s the right time. I heard God speak yesterday and I will begin to put a team together for later this year or the beginning of next.

I’ve enjoyed some meetings under a tent recently on Route 1 in the Star City. I liked the humble preacher man. First prayer he prayed over me was something like this; I break off every word that was ever spoken against you. Don’t be talking about me in a bad way beautiful people, I am one of God’s chosen. You will just have to take it up with him if you don’t like it. He puts people in place, and he takes people out of place as well. He gets to choose, because he’s God. Quite honestly, I would have chosen someone else. I am far from perfect. I drive too fast, eat too much and I know my weaknesses all too well, but I am his and he is mine.

Some things I have asked my Heavenly Father for my birthday this year, the year of my double blessing (born in 1962, turned 62) are the following: For the 18 year old agnostic man I met on Saturday with bone cancer-healed and to know the Jesus that I told him about is real. My niece with cancer healed. I ask for the pastor that religious folks just about killed-healed and new doors of opportunity. For Joe the newest salesman on the block to be salesman of the year and to know Jesus sent me with a message for him to encourage him and to believe big. For God to take us all deeper and for all the beautiful people around the world to hear the gospel message that Jesus loves them, that his blood was enough.

My birthday list is long this year beautiful people. I am going for the gold. That the spirit of religion be completely torn down off of our world. Relationship with our Heavenly Father become the message of the hour. That God would increase the anointing on my life, and I would see an increase of the signs, wonders and miracles that follow me all the days of my life. That God would trust me with great wealth for his Kingdom. That my three anointed girls will step into the arena of their calling this year. I am asking God to keep evil far, far from my grandchildren. That he would expose any scheme that the enemy is trying to build up against them and tear it down.

My birthday list includes all of you, beautiful people. Whatever you have need of today, I come into agreement with you. Tell him what it is and let’s join faith.

Let’s Pray:

Father, we join faith today all across this globe. We are ready to receive from your throne room. (Hands up to receive) We come into agreement according to Your Word in Matthew 18:19 that says Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by our Father in heaven. Father, we receive today. 

Father, we pray for good health, prosperity and thank you in advance that you will fulfill the purpose in which we were born. Amen.

Have a blessed day God’s most beautiful people. Say yes to God every day. For this is the day that the Lord has made, and we will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)

I have come to give you life and life more abundantly. (John 10:10)

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. (3 John 1:2)




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