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7 reasons we should encourage people to avoid using smartphones or tablets during worship services

Credit: For The Church []

I get sad when I hear a phone ring in Church and funerals. My goodness! I love looking into peoples eyes as I preach. You can tell if your message is soaking in.

Baptist Press

By Thom Rainer, posted August 13, 2024

Several years ago, I decided to become a real church member. Let me explain.

For over 30 years, I was the preacher each Sunday at whatever church I attended. I preached as the pastor, the interim pastor, or guest preacher. I never viewed the church on Sunday mornings from the pews or the chairs. I wrote a book called I Am a Church Member, but I did not have the view of the church member, at least on Sunday morning worship services.

I decided eight years ago to decline almost every invitation to preach. I wanted to be active in my local church as a church member, not away on Sundays as a preacher in another church.

It has been an incredible blessing.

And it has been eye-opening. Let me give you one example.

I noticed several people in the church using their smartphones or tablets, presumably as a digital Bible or a digital notetaker. For those I could see from my vantage point, I also noticed that many of those with digital devices would click on the notifications they received. They were obviously distracted, and they obviously distracted me. As a point of confession, I looked over the shoulder of a church member last fall as he was looking at the college football rankings for the week. I am ashamed to say I looked longer than I should.

Recently, I went to a movie theater in my hometown. I noticed the previews stressed that everyone must turn off their phones and other digital devices.

I guess theaters have higher standards than churches in that regard. More Here

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