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A GREAT MORAL FAILURE! New Mexico is found to be one of the worst places to live, again and again…….

FGGAM Photo of Homeless in Albuquerque. We are seeing more and more young people out on the streets who look so hopeless. Crime is ragging in Albuquerque. As a perosn from out-of-town told us yesterday, "Albuquerque is a very dangerous city."

Pastor Ed Solis of ReAwaken City Church: If the truth is not being filtered through the truth of the Gospels can we really call it truth?

I have righteous anger……Righteous indignation, also called righteous anger, is anger that is primarily motivated by a perception of injustice or other profound moral lapse.

God made New Mexico so very beautiful, it is the people destroying it by sinning…….this failure has become generational.

I might just as well keep all these news releases of New Mexico being the worst and just use the same ones time after time……..whether it is about education, violent crime, health care and whatever is bad…its like a bad movie over and over the cliff we go…..Will New Mexico ever be good? The state is allowing the abortion of babies at a record level. The blood of God’s babies is on all of our hands! My goodness Do you not get it? The Church is very weak here in standing up against the killing of God’s babies. SHAME!

WalletHub does not consider the killing of God’s babies in their research, but I DO! You will never, ever be a godly state New Mexico if you do not stop killing God’s babies! I will never understand why so many, many Pastors are quiet about this! That is one big reason I am not popular here! Glory! People are watching the ineffectiveness of the Church! New Mexico is near the bottom of child well-being, that never changes either. Shame!

The GOP always wants to blame the DEMS, but the GOP had Martinez for governor for 8 years and nothing changed! Neither party are not worth a hoot! New Mexico needs JESUS! Not more politics! A GREAT AWAKENING NEEDS TO HAPPEN IN NEW MEXICO AND ALL OF AMERICA! JESUS! JESUS! Politics is killing us! Now the GOP platform has thrown the pro-life movement under the bus! Shame! I had a New Mexico GOP leader tell me a couple of years ago that abortion would never end here. Broke my heart! SHAME! Abortions in New Mexico have surged by over 250% since 2022. 14,000 Texans came to NM for an abortion in 2023

The blood of God’s babies flows here……

CYFD Fails

New Mexico is not in line with God at all………

With millions of Americans moving each year and summer being the most popular time of year to move, the personal-finance website WalletHub today released its report on 2024’s Best States to Live In, as well as expert commentary, to help people find a new home that is affordable, safe and enjoyable.

WalletHub compared the 50 states across 51 key indicators of livability. They range from housing costs and income growth to the education rate and hospital systems. The Rest of The Story Here

American Gen Z: Depressed and spiritually hungry. Politics has turned so evil.

Moral failure can be defined as failing to do the right thing, even when trying your best. It can also refer to a leader’s behavior that falls short of expected morals and integrity, causing them to lose credibility. 

Some say that moral failure can be caused by a lack of accountability and loyalty to others, including God. Others say that people who experience moral failure may not feel remorse or sympathy for those who were harmed, as they only did what was necessary for themselves. However, some people who have experienced moral failure may feel shame and remorse, and wish to make things right. They may also realize that they didn’t realize they were capable of such behavior, and wish they could have stopped themselves. 

Some signs that someone may be at risk for moral failure include: Embarrassment, Guilt, Lack of self-trust, and Inability to recognize responsibility


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