A Message of Love and Support from Pastor Richard Mansfield – New Beginnings Church, Albuquerque, NM

Pastor Richard Mansfield, New Beginnings Church, Albuquerque, NM | via ABQ Connect [abqconnect.online]

For God’s Glory Alone Ministries is honored to share this message, received today, from Pastor Richard Mansfield of New Beginnings Church, Albuquerque, New Mexico:

Lord, 12 years ago Pastor Dewey and Sharon answered ‘yes’ to Your call to full time ministry.  They stepped out in faith and started the ministry we know today as For God’s Glory Alone Ministries (“FGGAM”).  Over the past 12 years You have expanded this in many ways.  They disseminate much needed information that affects our community and beyond.  They have filled many pulpits for congregations that are without a pastor.  They’ve ministered to several broken families by pouring out Your healing love at funerals services.  Lord, keep Your powerful anointing and Spirit upon them and the ministry as they begin yet another year of ministry.  Continue Your use of them “For Your Glory Alone” as they make themselves available to a lost and dying world.  Bless them far beyond their expectations and meet their financial needs.  I pray this in Jesus’ name.  Amen!

FGGAM is so very thankful for those, such as Pastor Mansfield, who faithfully support this ministry!

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