Clarity of Sight


Mark 8:22-26 NKJV

[22] Then He came to Bethsaida; and they brought a blind man to Him, and begged Him to touch him. [23] So He took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the town. And when He had spit on his eyes and put His hands on him, He asked him if he saw anything. [24] And he looked up and said, “I see men like trees, walking.” [25] Then He put His hands on his eyes again and made him look up. And he was restored and saw everyone clearly. [26] Then He sent him away to his house, saying, “Neither go into the town, nor tell anyone in the town.”



Everything that Christ does is intentional and done with precision.

Jesus doesn’t perform miracles to just heal the physical body.

He performs miracles to not just heal the body but to save the soul.

It’s so those that were healed can trust Him with both body and spirit.

It’s to confirm in our hearts and minds that if He has the power and ability to restore what is physically broken He also has the power and ability to restore what is Spiritually lost.

Sometimes it is a process in our lives.

Jesus has proven ,shows and makes Himself available to any heart that is bruised and broken needing to be healed. To any and every hurting soul needing to be restored.

He loves to receive people and minister to them when they come to Him in faith and humility.

But humility is the first step. It is recognizing that our life needs to be healed. The Spiritual blinders need to come off of our blinded eyes in order to see the Lord more clearly!

We need to be guided through our Spiritual Blindness by the Hand of the Lord.

There is something interesting about this miracle. The blind man didn’t ask to be healed.

Maybe he believed he wasn’t worthy. Maybe he assumed that Jesus didn’t have the ability to restore what was lost. It’s possible that he was just fine in his blindness because that’s all he ever knew!

Sometimes we just like the dark essence because the Light of Heaven hurts.

Some are happy in the dark because they have never seen the Light!

Light will always consume the darkness.

The healing touch of Jesus will always bring Spiritual sight to the darkened eyes of man’s perception.

We have all started off completely spiritually blind.

No one has ever seen completely clear to the things of God.

Jesus takes this man by the hand.

Leads him away from the crowd.

Spits on Him.

And asks the man what he sees.

“I see men like trees, walking.”

Blurry vision.

Not 20/20 vision.

Not completely clear, but more clarity.

Not completely healed of blindness but starting to be able to see.

Salvation in Jesus does not give us full Spiritual wisdom and understanding.

It brings to the knowledge of Christ, His death, and Resurrection and the need to be saved from the Wrath of God.

This is entry level.

Everything else It’s a continuous process.

Sometimes we want to know all the Revelations of Heaven! We want to know the mysteries and “new things”. But we have a problem seeing what or Who is in front of us first!

We don’t see the substance of who Jesus Christ is. Or maybe we are just fine with blurry vision.

Many hear of Him and their vision is blurred. Opinions, misunderstandings. Misinterpreted repentance for a misinterpreted Salvation.

Many see just a small portion of Jesus Christ, just enough to get into Heaven. They accept the Free Gift of Salvation. They rely on the mercy, love and hope He freely gives. Then many walk their own way still with vision blurred.

There has to be a pursuit to see His Holiness. We have to try to see His Righteousness, His Divinity.

We have to see the Cross and what was exactly accomplished on it. Through the Cross we should be able to see all of the amazing attributes of God!

We should even be able to see His Wrath that every single one of us deserves but His Son and our Savior endured it so we don’t have to!

That is Spiritual Eyes to see!

After Jesus asks what this man sees and his vision is still blurred. The Lord puts His hands on Him and touches his eyes again.

The restoration of sight was complete.

Imagine the first thing this man sees in full clarity is Jesus Christ! The literal Hand of the One that restores and brings light to the darkness.


Spiritual sight grows gradually.

Then your eyes were gradually opened to understanding the Lord Jesus Christ and God’s kingdom.

He doesn’t always give us a complete understanding.

Over time you will see and understand clearly. Before Christ. Before repentance, before Salvation a veil was over our eyes.

We see the Goodness of God through His Son Jesus. Then and only slowly the veil starts to lift.

We see our sin next to a Holy and Just God. The natural sinful man lives in Darkness.

We are blind to the things of the Kingdom of God before Jesus gives us clear vision. Sometimes we don’t know we are walking in Spiritual blindness.

In a world today where so much darkness is surrounding us we need better vision. We need our Spiritual Blindness to be removed.

So what does it mean to have Spiritual eyes to see?


Having Spiritual eyes are a gift from the Lord to those that Trust, submit and are obedient to the will of the Father. The blinders of darkness will start to fall.


Spiritual eyes are not meant to see just what is the darkness of this world!

Spiritual eyes are to be able to see all of God’s truth around us!

After seeing the truth we learn to utilize it in our daily life. The greater our vision is of God the greater faith we will have.

The more mature we will become. Just because we can see some truth doesn’t always mean we know and comprehend the whole truth.

Usually no one can see all of God’s truth all at once. This blind man did something that we must all learn from. He took the hand of a Man he didn’t know and trusted Him.

The blind man could not see what was happening, but he could feel what was happening.

Sometimes we can’t see the Lord at work.

If we could reach out and touch Him so that we could be sure. How many times have we let out used down.

Sometimes we just have to trust what He says. If we put our hand into His we have to have enough trust and faith that where He leads is perfect.

We follow Him by His Word just like this blind man did.

We read it and take it in and allow it to penetrate into the deepest and darkest places no one has ever gone.

As we grow in our trust, the more peace. More peace, more comfort and the willingness to go and be led.

But if we continue to stretch our hand out in humility and faith to Him, He will guide us to places we never thought. With more faith and trust we will have and the more we will start to see.

Today ask the Lord to see HIM in all clarity!



Pastor Ed


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