It is my incredible privilege to share today some thoughts on the ministry of For God’s Glory Alone Ministries (“FGGAM”), founded 12 years ago this month by Pastor Dewey and Sharon Moede!

In 2012, the Lord spoke clearly to Pastor Dewey that he was to forgo his long and successful career in the radio industry to serve God by founding a new ministry that was to be called “For God’s Glory Alone Ministries.”

Over the years, whether due to FGGAM’s internet ministry or its ‘hands on’ ministry of itinerant preaching, guest speaking and teaching, overseeing funerals, performing weddings, and hitting the streets in obedience to Jesus’ command to perform the Great Commission, FGGAM has been a huge blessing to every person touched by the ministry.

Pastor Dewey has brought the good news of Jesus Christ to the airwaves and internet via FGGAM’s website, television, radio, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and of course, in person.  He and Sharon have traveled many times to Minnesota (where Pastor Dewey was born and raised), and across many states in the southwestern United States, including New Mexico, Arizona and California, on Great Commission trips to share the gospel of Jesus Christ in revival meetings, church services and by praying in the streets over those in need of salvation, healing and deliverance.

Pastor Dewey is a mentor and a ‘preacher’s preacher’ who grows those who come alongside in ministry with him.  He encourages but is not afraid to correct in a godly and loving manner.  In fact, my own grandmother (who was a very faithful and godly woman) told my mom many years ago that she saw me preaching.  Well, I may not be one who formally preaches the word often, but Pastor Dewey recognizes in others what God sees in them, and he opened the doors for me to bring the word of God at three different churches in New Mexico last year!  Praise God!

One of the hardest things to describe about FGGAM’s mission is the work of the website found at  The website reaches countries across the globe, shining the light and the truth of Jesus.  The website has many faithful contributors and writers who daily or weekly publish inspirational articles from a Biblical perspective; however, the website also includes summaries of select local, national or international news articles taken from major news agencies (e.g., ABC, CNN, ABC, Fox, NY Times, etc.) along with Spirit-led and Bible-focused commentary by FGGAM’s writers – which makes this ministry somewhat unique.  Although FGGAM’s commentary can be hard-hitting, it’s always presented in love and often with scriptural references to support the writers’ positions.

One of the things I appreciate the most about Pastor Dewey, besides his incredible humility and genuine softness of heart for the lost and the hurting, is that he is a truthful man, one who always speaks the truth of the scriptures in love.  He lives his life from a Biblical Worldview.  This is not simply a worldly (or even ‘religious’) philosophy he has chosen to follow, but his life flows from an irrevocable understanding that God has given mankind the Bible, the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, to all who name Jesus as Lord for our best and to save us from perdition, because He loves us so very much!  I like to remind at every opportunity that John 17:20-23 tells us that the Father loves you and me just like He loves Jesus!

Those of us who have had the privilege of standing alongside Pastor Dewey and Sharon Moede in ministry know of their integrity to the word of God.  Although Pastor Dewey greatly appreciates the beauty of God’s creation (e.g., flower, mountains, sunsets) and the pleasure found in playing a great baseball game with friends, he always takes his calling as a pastor and the requirement to fulfill the Great Commission with great seriousness.  Jesus is always front and center!

As a daddy, Pastor Dewey’s heart breaks easily for the children, and I can’t resist sharing this photograph in which he was doing what he does best – being a blessing!

My brothers and sisters, there is nothing fake or opportunistic about the ministry of FGGAM.  Like all persons and all ministries in the world, FGGAM isn’t a perfect ministry (there are none), but it is a ministry highly worthy of support and I believe it is fertile soil in which to plant seed, as the only One who receives glory in this ministry is God!

If the Lord leads, might you consider providing a donation to help sustain the ministry of FGGAM?  Pastor Dewey and Sharon Moede are strong stewards of all that God has provided financially and every singly penny goes toward the ministry of the gospel.

FGGAM is currently in need of a replacement vehicle to use for ministry, including the ministry’s Great Commission trips, so sowing some seed for a replacement vehicle would be exceedingly appreciated.  Please note that FGGAM is a 501c3 Not-For-Profit Ministry, meaning that your donations are tax deductible.

***If you would like to give a financial gift to FGGAM, see the donation page HERE.  There are two easy ways to give:

  1. Send a secure online gift via PayPal; or
  2. Send a check or money order to FGGAM, P.O. Box 65516, Albuquerque, New Mexico

God bless you!

Happy 12th Birthday to FGGAM!

As God wills, may the next 12 years be filled with many more testimonies of how the goodness of God flowed through the ministry, souls were saved, bodies and minds were healed, the word of God was preached, and the importance of having a Biblical Worldview was demonstrated!  Amen!

Praise Jesus forevermore!

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