Hindrances to Prayer

Let’s consider some obstacles to a healthy prayer life. First, poor concentration can inhibit our communication with God. Human minds are prone to wander, but one antidote for this is to realize who it is we’re speaking with. The more we grasp God’s power, love, omniscience, and holiness, the easier it will be for us to stay focused.


Hindrances to Prayer

Because of Jesus, nothing can make you unwelcome in your Father’s presence.

August 20, 2024

Ephesians 3:14-21

When you pray, are you confident that God is listening and will answer? Or do you feel doubtful that your words are heard?

Let’s consider some obstacles to a healthy prayer life. First, poor concentration can inhibit our communication with God. Human minds are prone to wander, but one antidote for this is to realize who it is we’re speaking with. The more we grasp God’s power, love, omniscience, and holiness, the easier it will be for us to stay focused.

Second, we may feel unworthy to talk with the God of all creation. Guilt over sin can tempt us to avoid time alone with Him, but He wants us to bring our wrongs into His light. On our own, we will never be worthy to be in the presence of pure perfection. But Jesus’ death and resurrection brought us forgiveness and acceptance, so we can come to the Father freely (Heb. 4:16).

Third, fear can stand in our way. Some people worry, What if I don’t pray correctly? But God desires our heart, not perfect words. That’s why He gave us the Holy Spirit to intercede on our behalf.

Do you realize that the most powerful tool and greatest privilege is accessible to us? We can come before Almighty God in prayer. Our heavenly Father is waiting to listen to our praise, confession, and requests.

Bible in One Year: Jeremiah 37-40

Feeling tired and broken?



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