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New Mexico Is 2024’s State with the 4th Most Underprivileged Children

Photo From National Day of Prayer

New Mexico puzzles me so much, as does the entire United States……our children suffer! Do not wait on the government, be in action to help God’s children! Does your church?

WalletHub Reports

In an ideal world, all children would live worry-free and have access to their basic needs: nutritious food, a good education, quality health care and a secure home. Emotionally, they all would feel safe and be loved and supported by caring adults. When all such needs are met, children have a better chance of a stable and happy adult life. But in reality, not every child is so privileged. In the U.S., 1 in 6 children live in poverty, and according to the Children’s Defense Fund, a child is abused or neglected every 54 seconds.

Some states address the problems of underprivileged children better than others. To determine where children are most disadvantaged, WalletHub compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia across 25 key metrics. Our data set ranges from the share of children in households with below-poverty income to the child food-insecurity rate to the share of maltreated children. More Here

Hello New Mexico Churches? Do you have room at your inn?

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