My daddy always said, “Many people are in a hurry to their funeral.” Yes! Dad! Many here in Albuquerque no longer stop on red or for a stop sign, they speed by! many more snap at a store clerk, or waitress if they are not served in 30 seconds! Too many people are rude to those that serve. I see it at the grocery store and other places!

FGGAM Photo. We thank Charles Stanley’s ministry for helping us with ministry tools as we carry out The Great Commission. This photo is from our trip into Arizona sharing JESUS! JESUS! Pastor Dewey was wearing his ‘Ask me about Jesus’ shirt, and this lovely asked him if he knew JESUS! What a conversation starter! JESUS!

This message from Charles Stanley really preached to me this morning. My bucket is full off things that I think I need to get done for the Lord and people……but, when I saw this devo, it stopped me in my tracks! Amen! Yes! I know to wait on the Lord, but I have this thing of not wanting to disappoint God our people!

Waiting in Faith. In Touch Ministries. Charles Stanley.

God created and rules over time—He will never be late.
August 4, 2024
Psalm 33:18-22

Our culture does not model patience. Just watch the frustration of drivers behind a car that doesn’t move the instant the traffic light turns green. Tempers flare and horns honk. Living in a fast-paced culture has programmed us to expect everything immediately—including answers to our prayers.

Have you ever been impatient or frustrated when God hasn’t operated according to your schedule? Delayed timing from our human perspective is perfect timing from His viewpoint. An omniscient God who created and rules over time can never be late.

Waiting on Him requires faith. Just because we can’t see what God is doing does not mean that He’s inactive. The Lord works outside of our visible realm, orchestrating events to fulfill His plan for our life. His work is like a seed planted deep in a garden—we cannot see the underground process. But just as a budding plant eventually appears, we can trust that in time, the Lord’s ordained outcome will come about.

Whatever problem you’re facing, the solution is in God’s hands. Cling to the truth of His love for you, His knowledge of all things, and His power over everything. Then you can confidently walk by faith rather than by sight, knowing that His good purposes will be fulfilled.

Bible in One Year: Isaiah 50-53

Light & Free


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