Sovereign Over Sin

Temptation is inevitable, but engaging with sin is a choice. God’s sovereignty means that any temptation must first pass through His permissive will. In this way, He makes sure His children are never tempted beyond what they can resist (1 Cor. 10:13).


Sovereign Over Sin

Temptation will come, but God promises to give us the power to resist.

August 18, 2024

Isaiah 14:24-27

God is sovereign. He is the supreme authority over everything, including sin and its repercussions. He doesn’t cause anyone to sin, but He will allow temptation to enter our life. And since we have free will and the Holy Spirit, we can decide how to respond. Thankfully, He retains ultimate control and weaves the consequences of our actions in accordance with His purposes.

Sometimes God permits our sin to run its full course. For instance, when the Israelites refused to turn away from their disobedience, He “gave them over to the stubbornness of their heart, to walk by their own plans” (Ps. 81:12). Without divine protection, the nation succumbed to corrupt influences and was overrun. Those consequences drove the Israelites to repentance, which was His original plan. Conversely, God will sometimes put an immediate halt to sin. Such was the case when King Abimelech took Abraham’s wife to himself. The king had been misled and was not aware that he was about to commit a sin. But the Lord knew of the deception and intervened (Gen. 20:1-6).

Temptation is inevitable, but engaging with sin is a choice. God’s sovereignty means that any temptation must first pass through His permissive will. In this way, He makes sure His children are never tempted beyond what they can resist (1 Cor. 10:13).

Bible in One Year: Jeremiah 31-32

The Spirit-filled Life



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