So many things are upside down in America…….I get much out of talking to people in their 90’s and 80’s and getting their take on the heart of America…….It is so sad for them to see this country go down the drain. I agree, I mourn, but we keep going and share JESUS with all!

Our two party system is broken. Both parties are a mess. No role models for our children that is for sure. Way too many potty mouths on both sides. The last straw for me on the GOP was them throwing the Pro-Life movement under the bus. They now support the killing of God’s babies. So much shame! So many fools!

There is no substance to anything on the part of both parties, just name calling, just a lot of ‘nothing noise.’ Horrible situation. I have called this out for 20 years now, ‘the dumbing down of America.”

Many Pastors have lost their salt. See below.

It is tragic for me and Sharon to know our grandchildren will never know the America that we grew up in. It is rough enough to see what are adult children are facing each day, so much hate. There will be no turn around for America unless there is another GREAT AWAKENING.

JESUS! JESUS is the answerer to everything! America is falling because the majority have left God.


Greg Laurie, pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California, believes the strange events surrounding the Olympics this year have presented “a microcosm of what’s not right in the world today.”

“They start off the Olympic ceremonies with the open mockery of ‘The Last Supper,’ the painting by Leonardo da Vinci,” Laurie told CBN News. “And then they deny that’s what it was.”

He juxtaposed the massive debacle over what many have taken as a drag-queen-driven mockery of the Last Supper against a report that Brazilian surfer Joao Chianca was reportedly forced to remove an image of Jesus from his surfboard before the Olympics began. More Here

Church Attendance in U.S. Continues to Decline. Great Commission Failure.

George Barna: “People have become more selfish, churches have become less influential, pastors have become less Bible-centric”

Modeling Acts 8:4, “Those who have been scattered preached the word wherever they went.”

For God’s Glory Alone Ministries – Speaking The Truth In Love For 12 Years!

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