The Supernatural Work of God… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


The Supernatural Work of God…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. Happy Monday! Weekends go by so fast. Yesterday a friend and I went to pray for another friend. I was thinking and praying for her again this morning.

I remember a night at a prayer meeting I attended, it’s been many years now, but somehow the memory seems like it was just yesterday. We were going around in a circle, and we were giving things to God. When it came my turn, I couldn’t speak. My nose was a mess, my face was a mess, and I was just broken. They skipped over me and went to the next person. After the circle was completed, I was up again. Somehow, with a squeaky voice, full of tears, pain and heartache, I blurted out these words. All I have to give is a broken heart. I was broken before them and broken before God.

A friend left the circle and came and put her hand on my heart and prayed. I remember driving home that night, feeling no different but knowing that God had heard our prayers. The next morning when I awoke, I can’t put into words how I felt. The supernatural work of God had taken all that brokenness out of my heart. The pain was gone, the memories of the previous days and years was just that, a memory, a memory with no sting.

I remember calling the pastor at the church I was attending and telling him, God touched me last night. I tried my best to put into words what happened the night before, but it was the next morning when I knew things were different. Life has not been the same for me sense that night of prayer in a home full of faith and the love of my Christian sisters.

Do you need a supernatural touch today? Put your hand on your heart and let’s come in agreement for your healing. God can take all the brokenness and restore you. He longs to be close to you. Draw near today. Hand on heart…

Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you that nothing is impossible for you. (Luke 1:37, Mark 9:23). Father, thank you for double for the trouble. You tell us weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. (Psalm 30:5)

Father, today we pray for broken hearts. You tell us in Psalm 107:20 that you sent your Word and healeth thee. Father, we join faith today and declare healing is your beautiful people’s portion. Take all the brokenness, pain and replace it with joy and new beginnings all across this globe today.

Father, lead us and guide us by the power of your Holy Spirit, we pray. We believe…Amen.

Have a blessed day God’s most beautiful people. Thank him for the supernatural work in your heart today.


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