Christian Post

Krystle Arce, Op-ed contributor 

When my boyfriend and I found out I was pregnant, we were terrified. Even though we had successful jobs, we enjoyed the flexibility we had, and we were scared to give up the life we knew.

I consulted a friend who told me she had an abortion as a teenager, and it had been a good decision for her. I thought maybe it would be a good decision for me, too.

I called a Planned Parenthood that was within driving distance but outside of the city where I lived. I wanted to go somewhere secluded and private. More Here

Ethel Maharg: Love Life’s 2024 Youth For Life Walk – Albuquerque, New Mexico

New Mexico Near The Bottom In Happiest States in America. Baby Killer State.

SHARE JESUS! Violent crime is spreading like wildfire in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Police Chief sounds alarm on repeat offenders

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