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Actor Aspen Kennedy on how ‘The Forge’ showed him value of spiritual discipleship

Photo From The Christian Post. Aspen Kennedy | YouTube/The Forge Movie

Many Churches in America have forgotten to build bridges to folks who do not know JESUS! Too many love preaching to the choir! WAKE UP CHURCH! IT IS CALLED THE GREAT COMMISSION!

The Christian Post

For people from more mature generations, such as Generation X or the Baby Boomers, it has become increasingly more difficult to understand what motivates people under the age of 30.

While these older people groups view the workplace with an eye toward rigidity, security and ever-changing objectives, Generation Z and Millennials are more interested in flexibility, fluidity and clear goals. Their shopping behaviors are quite distinct, too, as they are frugal and looking for immediacy and impact. People over the age of 50 are more content in making a financial splash with the long-range benefits in mind.

Thus, it is easy to see that there is a rather significant social disconnect between these younger and older generations. So much so that today’s young adults are seemingly more prone to float along in life, taking far more time to find their life’s path. More Here

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