I see a lot of anger from so called Christians in Facebook. Tragic! Many are permitting politics to direct their life, and not GOD! Do people see JESUS in you? Be so very careful, you can burn up your Christian testimony in 30 seconds or less in what you say or post on social media. God is watching you and I, and so are many people.

Outreach Magazine

I’ve seen it a lot—church members who get angry at someone and then stay that way. I’ve seen people refuse to talk to each other at church, as if their silence is a godly adult reaction to disagreement. My heart breaks when I see such reactions because I’ve seen bitterness consume people for years. Here’s why that happens:

1. The enemy wants you to stay unforgiving so your prayers are hindered. Jesus’ words were clear here: “And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven will also forgive you your wrongdoing” (Mark 11:25). Satan delights in anything that harms your own walk with God and halts your prayers. More Here

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