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Church leaders urge prayers ahead of UK Parliament’s debate on assisted suicide

Photo From The Christian Post. Getty Images

Lord have mercy!

The Christian Post

Anugrah Kumar, Christian Post Contributor 

As the U.K. Parliament gears up to debate the legalization of assisted suicide, church leaders nationwide are urging prayers and compassionate actions to prevent the proposed law from undermining the sanctity and dignity of human life.

The forthcoming discussion in Parliament will include the second reading of Lord Falconer’s Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults Bill in the House of Lords and a new Private Member’s Bill by backbench Labour MP Jake Richards aimed at legalizing the practice, Christian Today reported.

Bishop John Sherrington, the Catholic Church’s lead bishop for life issues, says there’s a need for proper care and support for the terminally ill, and warned that “the legalization of assisted suicide undermines the sanctity and dignity of human life.” Evidence, he laments, indicates that legalizing assisted suicide poses risks to society’s most vulnerable members. More Here

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