Many Christians are putting politics above God. Many seem to worship their candidate more than JESUS! It is awful for me to see that many think their candidate can do no wrong! FOOLISH! They seem to think the politics can save us from ourselves! Ha! ONLY JESUS SAVES!  I have said for many, many years that politics is the playground of Satan! If politics could save us it would have years and years ago! Look at us now! We are so very divided! Remember 9/11? We were so very united, now we are so very divided! Maybe the most since the CIVIL WAR! Remember Jan. 6th? Whatever you think about Jan. 6th, I would think you would see how awful shape we are in as a country!  I touch on the issue of politics and crime in this message this morning Here

Many politician’s lead by fear! It is right before your eyes! Do not let politics blind you! I do not know about you, but if I would say some of the words these politicians are saying when I was growing up, I would get my mouth washed out with soap! TURTH! No role models!


Dale Chamberlain

As the 2024 presidential election quickly approaches, a group of Christians has released a statement of convictions. Titled “Our Confession of Evangelical Conviction,” the document’s list of initial signers includes a number of well-known evangelical leaders.

The confession, which is aimed at addressing “this moment of social conflict and political confusion,” makes seven affirmations. They are as follows:

7 Affirmations of Confession

  1. We give our allegiance to Jesus Christ alone.
  2. We will lead with love not fear.
  3. We submit to the truth of Scripture. 
  4. We believe the Gospel heals every worldly division.
  5. We are committed to the prophetic mission of the Church.
  6. We value every person as created in God’s image.
  7. We recognize godly leaders by their character.

“We stand united in our confession of faith in Jesus Christ, resolved to uphold the truth of the Gospel in the face of political pressure and cultural shifts,” the confession says. “We commit to being a light in the world (Matthew 5:14-16), and faithful witnesses to the transforming power of Christ’s love.” The Rest of The Story Here

We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament and New Testament are the inerrant, inspired, and infallible Word of God.
God’s Word is the final authority for faith and life.
We believe there is only one God, and He has chosen to reveal Himself
as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
– FGGAM is a nondenominational, nonpartisan, Independent ministry –

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