The world sure is being turned upside down…..I have been studying past Presidents. I love history. We can learn from our past.  I would encourage you to do the same. Over the last 2 months I have dug deeper into the lives of  Washington, Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Kennedy, Reagan, and George W. Bush. I also have been studying America in the 60’s. Here in 2024, we are like the evil in the 60’s. It was a horrible time in my country, the killing of JFK, Martin Luther King Jr., Bobby Kennedy, (I thought he would have made an excellent President) Malcom X was shot dead, the Vietnam War…My buddy Roger Carey was killed in that political war. Very ugly time. Political upheaval has always been part of America. The mudslinging continues….BUT GOD IS GOD! GOD WINS! GOD ALIMIGHTY!

I really do not have to wonder what Billy Graham would say about this……Secular legal organization urges IRS to revoke tax-exempt status of Billy Graham org over ‘electioneering’

And then this……….Just to say as nice as I can, I do not think it is right to use any of Billy’s sermons without the permission of the family. I was always taught to ask PERMISSION!

The Christian Post

The political action committee Evangelicals for Harris rolled out an over $1 million ad campaign Thursday that features footage of the late evangelist Billy Graham and suggests former President Donald Trump exhibits the character of evil men in the last days.

The ad, which will play out over the next three weeks in battleground states, features a sermon Graham preached from 2 Timothy 3:1-5, in which Paul describes the terrible nature of the last days and warns “men will become utterly self-centered and greedy for money, full of big words.” More Here


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