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George Sweeting, evangelist who led Moody Bible Institute for decades, dies at 99

Photo From The Christian Post. George Sweeting | Moody Bible Institute

George Sweeting was a tremendous role model for us all! Let us all strive everyday to carry out The Great Commission like Mr. Sweeting! Let us all be a soul winner! Glory! Team Jesus! Please keep Mr. Sweeting’s wife Hilda and family, and his many friends in your prayers.

What a dedicated life to JESUS!

The Christian Post

Anugrah Kumar, Christian Post Contributor 

Moody Bible Institute has announced that George Sweeting, who served the institution for nearly 30 years between his time as president and later as chancellor, died Tuesday at the age of 99. He was “at heart an evangelist and soul winner,” the institute said.

“An indelible mark has been placed on this world as well as Moody through the incredible life and ministry of George Sweeting,” said Moody Bible Institute President Mark Jobe in a statement shared with The Christian Post.

“His legacy is marked by a deep love for his family, the Church, and the transformative power of the Gospel,” Jobe added. “While we mourn with his family and those whose lives were touched by him, we echo the Apostle Paul’s words in 1 Thessalonians 4 that we do so with hope, knowing he is in the presence of the Lord and we will be reunited with him one day.” More Here

Moody Bible Institute: Dr. George Sweeting (1924–2024)

God Bless the memory of George Sweeting!

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