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God’s Love in Judgment

13When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people, 14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”   (2 Chronicles 7:13-14)

We often overlook verse 13 in this well-known passage that expresses how God can step in and change the course of events, that being verse 14.  Yes, God can and does heal lands, nations, and people groups when they meet the prerequisites to that healing; mainly, seeking God in repenting prayer, turning from their evil ways.  But verse 13 reveals to us that when God’s people turn their backs on Him, and He makes many opportunities for them to return on their own, then at a certain time He will no longer wait for them to make the right moves toward Him, His judgment is expressed in punishing ways.

When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people”

God’s judgment is often difficult for us to understand, and often we explain it away as some evil thing that others are doing to us, not even thinking that the hand of God is working.  After all, He is a loving God, right?

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:9)

Beloved, you must know that God’s own understanding is higher than ours, as are His purposes and His ways.  However, even with our limited understanding, we can make some wide-ranging statements about His judgments.  Of most importance is the fact that God’s judgment is always united to His love, mercy, and grace.  They are each in one package of Who God is in character and nature, that is, His very essence.

“And I will bring to an end in Moab, declares the LORD, him who offers sacrifice in the high place and makes offerings to his god.  Therefore, my heart moans for Moab like a flute, and my heart moans like a flute for the men of Kir-hareseth. Therefore, the riches they gained have perished.” (Jeremiah 48:35-36)

God’s love and judgment are part of the same package; they go together.  God, in His love, must judge sin and unrighteousness.  His hatred toward sin levied a just judgment; separation from God for eternity, while His love took the judgment on the Cross by Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

It is my opinion that America has been under God’s increasing judgment for many years now and may have even been an explanation for God’s allowing America to be attacked in the 9-11 tragedy.  (I had hoped that we were seeing the beginnings of a new start, a revival, during the week following the taking down of the Twin Towers, but we faltered).  America had enjoyed the hand of God’s loving provision and protection for much of her years of honoring Him.  But in the last many years, we have turned away from Him and His Word.  He has called us to return, and we have continued to mock Him through our many perversions.

Has anyone noticed an increase in earthquakes, fires, tornadoes, hurricanes, extreme acts of violence, and much more hardships in America?  It’s not global warming that’s the blame.  The problem is the nation’s turning away from God and righteousness (sin) continually over the last 60 years or so.  These are God’s judgments against a nation that mocks God’s commands in His Word, kills babies, perverts the family unit and God designed and gift of righteous sexuality.

Our world is now filled with noise, and loud voices of anger, hatred, and accusations.  And worse, the same noises are being heard within the House of God.  The sounds are so loud that most are not hearing the continuing evil laughter of the one who God has allowed to work us against one another, the age-old deceiver, Satan himself.  He is laughing at our ignorance and emotions under his control.

Turn or return to God now seeking forgiveness through genuine repentance; choose life in Jesus Christ our LORD.  “Awaken, thou that sleepeth.”

Dear Christian, America is barely treading water, gasping for air and strength to prevent going under for the third and final time—America needs the Church at her best in the power of the blood, the name of Jesus, and His mighty and protective rescue (deliverance) from the evil one.  The church right now is anything but her best in Him.  Beloved, repent; turn from your wicked ways, then be a hero.  Make a difference.  Pray On!

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