Joel C. Rosenberg: Netanyahu to nation: To suffocate Hamas, return hostages, protect Israel, we absolutely must control border between Gaza and Egypt

Netanyahu said that for more than 20 years he has warned that Israel must not surrender this corridor. When he resigned from the government of then-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in 2005 over Sharon’s decision to unilaterally surrender Gaza and pull all Israeli soldiers and civilians from the Gaza Strip, Netanyahu said that in his resignation letter, he insisted Sharon never give up control of the Philadelphi Corridor. When Netanyahu came back into power, he said he had led several campaigns to neutralize Hamas, noting the three times he tried to bomb and disrupt Hamas' smuggling on the Egyptian border.

Photo From All Isarel news. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks during a press conference in Jerusalem on Sept. 2, 2024. Photo by Chaim Goldberg/Flash90

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All Israel News

Joel C. Rosenberg

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL — Agreeing to the world’s demands to leave Gaza prematurely, even to have the IDF leave the Egyptian border area temporarily, would be a serious and strategic error that would embolden and resupply Hamas and put Israelis in grave danger.

That’s the case that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made last night in a nationally televised press conference in Hebrew.

A visibly emotional Netanyahu apologized to the hostage families and nation for not being able to get the six recently murdered hostages out in time.

He called them six “pure souls” and vowed Hamas would pay a heavy price for this “horrible massacre.”

However, the prime minister insisted that the only way to get back the remaining 101 hostages and protect all Israelis from future attacks by Hamas was not to surrender the vital gains the IDF has made so far. More Here

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