LORD HAVE MERCY! Guns and Threats of Violence at New Mexico Schools. Florida sheriff releases mug shot and ‘perp walk’ video of 11-year-old charged with making school shooting threat

Look what we have created for our children, an environment of violence. Shame on us all. We also kill our children through abortion. Shame.


Sharon and I are heartbroken at this news. We cannot even imagine what it would be like growing up in this America. Look what we have created for our children, an environment of violence. Do have no shame America? We also kill our children through abortion. We are witnessing the total breakdown of the American family. A Biblical Worldview is dying in America. George Barna: “People have become more selfish, churches have become less influential, pastors have become less Bible-centric”

KOB TV: Albuquerque Public Schools say staff confiscated two guns from a student at Volcano Vista High School Tuesday.

In a letter to parents, APS says one loaded gun was found in the student’s backpack and another was found in the student’s vehicle. More Here

KOAT TV: Raton High School was on lockdown and other schools in the district were under shelter-in-place orders on Tuesday because of a threat.

Raton High School Principal Kristie L. Medina sent out a news release later saying that all Raton schools will be closed on Wednesday and will reopen on Thursday. She gave details about what led to the lock-down. More Here

KOAT TV: Two teenage students are being charged with making unlawful threats toward schools in Las Cruces. Police described the two suspects as a 13-year-old boy and a 15-year-old girl. More Here

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