This morning the Lord is showing me much. Sharon and I just returned from a trip to Alaska that was gifted to us by a dear friend in celebration of our 20th wedding anniversary!
It blows my mind that our friend did this for us. Sharon has helped me become a better man of God, by showing me the love and understanding of Jesus. She has helped mold me into a man of God. When we were in Alaska, we were able to share the love of Jesus to people from all walks of life. Many do not go to Church for various reasons, we find that all over America.
Sharon has shown the unconditional love of Jesus to me and all our children and friends and to everyone she meets. Her speech is in her SHOWING THE LOVE OF JESUS! I am the blabber mouth of the family! Sharon is all about the love of JESUS and family. We love sharing JESUS with all, from Alaska to the grocery store and beyond! Glory!
This morning as I was reporting on the school shooting in Georgia and the shootings in Kentucky, I shared in those reports the breakdown of the Church and families in America. Satan is having his way with more and more here in America. The family unit is being attacked more than ever.
I cam across this message from Pastor Bill Millsaps of Fountain of Life. Man! Oh man! What a message for all of is! Protect You Family From Demonic Invasion
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another:
just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
By this all people will know that you are my disciples,
if you have love for one another.
–John 13:34-35
The Church is doing great damage to itself by supporting potty mouth politicians. No role models for our children! At this point by doing this many Christians are doing a better job of chasing people away from the Church rather than brining them in!