Rest and Rely on God

In times of rest we are filled by God, our source and strength and express faith in Him and obedience to Him. When we cease striving and barely surviving, to intentionally spend a day fully focused on Him, resting in Him, being filled by Him we express faith that knows He has prepared the work ahead for that week and we must submit for Him to prepare us for the week. 

FGGAM Photo of Sharon Moede holding an Alaskan Huskie on vacation in Alaska! What a wonderful time in God's creation.

We may be in the world, but we are not of the world. We can’t help it that people around us are wrapped up in the things of this world and the darkness. We must love them and minister to them. But we cannot be partakers with them. Visualize yourself today wrapped in a blanket of light! You’ll be a saint in sunshine. You will walk in sunshine. The Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God your glory. – Rev. James Fleming

Sharon and I were able to go to Alaska and marvel at God’s creation. I have no words. Just that I continue to be in AWE OF GOD!! Sharon and I shared the love of JESUS all over! We had so many conversations with people. People want to feel loved and valued. We are on a mission more than ever to share the love of JESUS with all! Thank you LORD for our time in Alaska!

Psalm 127:1-2 (NASB 1995)
“Unless the Lord builds the house, [t]hey labor in vain who build it; [u]nless the Lord guards the city, [t]he watchman keeps awake in vain. It is vain for you to rise up early, [t]o retire late, [t]o eat the bread of painful labors; [f]or He gives to His beloved even in his sleep.”

Reflection. National Day of Prayer

Greetings prayer partner,

As we turn the calendar to September, our prayer focus turns to the Workplace. Our prayer calendar builds our prayer life so you probably already know that we continue to pray for every area that influences our lives, neighbors, and nation but our monthly focus takes us into a deeper time of prayer for the businesses in our community and country, their owners, boards, clients, employees, and products as well as our own workplace and co-workers.

How wonderful that September begins with a long holiday weekend, a sabbath of sorts that celebrates our labor and yet gives us time to rest from our work. Did you rest? Are you rested? For many of us, we have developed a lifestyle of work, work, work and forgetting or ignoring that God also calls us to rest. God did not create you to wear you out, His plans for us call us to be diligent and excellent, never lazy, but never believing that the world will stop spinning if we pause from working even for a moment.


We can’t just hope we’ll find time to rest. God actually uses rest to restore hope in Him.


In times of rest we are filled by God, our source and strength and express faith in Him and obedience to Him. When we cease striving and barely surviving, to intentionally spend a day fully focused on Him, resting in Him, being filled by Him we express faith that knows He has prepared the work ahead for that week and we must submit for Him to prepare us for the week.


About the National Day of Prayer

The National Day of Prayer tradition predates the founding of the United States of America, evidenced by the Continental Congress’ proclamation in 1775 setting aside a day of prayer. In 1952, Congress established an annual day of prayer and, in 1988, that law was amended, designating the National Day of Prayer as the first Thursday in May. The next National Day of Prayer is May 1, 2025.

Pride says, “It’s all up to me.” Faith says, “It’s all up to God.” We need a full day once a week, a daily appointment with Him in the Word and prayer, and moments throughout the day to seek Him. To clarify, our best only comes with spiritually motivated rest, not laziness.

Rest fixed on God’s faithfulness and our obedience delights His heart as He strengthens ours. It is not just a day off, a night out, kicking back. Fun that only feeds the flesh is dangerous. Counterfeit rest is counterproductive; it steals our energy, kills our clarity, ability, resources, and can destroy our reputation and relationships. A sabbath-less weekend sends you to work on Monday worse off than you left on Friday.


Think of a sabbath as a day of strength, your greatest day of success.

Prayer Partner, will you pray with me now?

Heavenly Father, You are the Author of our days and the designer of our purpose. You are our Lord, Creator, Redeemer, the Way, truth and Life. We seek You to show us the way we should go; Your priorities we should pursue, the plans we should make, new things we should try and anything that is not of You that must end. All we have, all we are is because of You and we give You thanks for our lives. We don’t want to waste it or wander aimlessly. We won’t worry if we are walking where You lead knowing we will not lack. We want our lives to worship You in all we do with an eternal perspective, a higher calling, and so we ask You to teach us Your path and lead us in truth. In the wonderful name of Jesus we pray, Amen!

Serving Him with gladness,

Kathy Branzell

LIGHT Your Path!

Please join us as we “Lift up the Word and Light Up the World.” Here is some LIGHT for your path as you pray for Business and the Workplace.


 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15 ESV)


 Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.  (John 14:12 HCSB)


Unless the Lord builds the house, They labor in vain who build it; Unless the Lord guards the city, The watchman keeps awake in vain. It is vain for you to rise up early, To retire late, To eat the bread of painful labors; For He gives to His beloved even in his sleep. (Psalm 127:1-2 NAS)


Please add your favorites to this list and be encouraged to repeat them in faith-filled prayer.


Join us as Midwest National Area Leader Sylvia Williams leads us in prayer for the sphere of Business and Workplace, tonight, Thursday, September 5th from 8 – 10 p.m. ET. To join, call (667) 770-1523, enter code 4961322#.

100 Days of Prayer For Government and Elections

Sign up for daily prayer prompts by texting PRAYGOV to (833) 259-8648

You will receive an attribute and scripture each day to pray over government leaders and those running for office. Pray each attribute over the seven aspects of their lives: heart, soul, mind, strength, family, staff and enemies. Let’s continue to Lift Up The Word and Light Up the World!


Access and download printable versions of the prayer guide below:

Light Up Your Text Messages!

Sign up for our LIGHT texts by texting the word LIGHT to (833) 259-8648. You will receive three scriptures and corresponding prayers each week that shine the light of Christ and the Word of God into your heart.

Did You Catch the 2024 Broadcast?

If you missed the 2024 Broadcast, we would love for you to still pray with us, by watching the broadcast on your own, with your Bible study, prayer partner, or church!

Let’s Pray For Every State!

Each year, our NDP Task Force state leaders select a scripture verse to pray over their state. In 2024 we will be praying these verses over one U.S. state or territory each week, starting in the east and moving west. To begin receiving these scripture-based prayer prompts, text 2024STATES to (833) 259-8648.

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