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Sounding the Alarm on What’s Happening in the World

In these strange political times, it’s hard not to think about the end of time as Jesus tells His disciples in Matthew 24. As a new convert in 1996, the very first serious, and in-depth bible study I did was on the book of Revelation. For a new baby Christian, it was perhaps not the side of the book for which to begin, but it was not the only Word I was receiving at the time. I was listening to preaching at every opportunity from throughout the Word of God, but this study certainly planted my feet firm in the foundation that I had better be ready when Jesus returned.

Are you ready?

I sat in church yesterday morning in a Sunday School class of more than a few but not near enough. I knew that during the worship service the sanctuary would have many people in it. Many who didn’t believe there was a need for them to be in the Sunday School hour. I was frustrated and burdened. My eyes filled with tears knowing what they did not, or chose to ignore. Jesus wasn’t sugar coating the end times in Matthew 24.

Matthew 24:1-8 KJV
And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple. [2] And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. [3] And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? [4] And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. [5] For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. [6] And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. [7] For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. [8] All these are the beginning of sorrows.

During the Roman period, in AD 70, the Second Temple was destroyed, along with Jerusalem, by Titus’ army. It was also during this period that Jesus was in Jerusalem. He was crucified about 40 years before the destruction of the city. Jesus sat there, in the flesh of a human, telling the disciples what was going to soon happen. They were warned. It happened, and yet man still sits ignoring what Jesus said would transpire in times to come.

As I understand the setting for Matthew 24, the church will have been raptured from the earth, meaning caught up in the air. And by church I speak of those who have accepted Christ as their Savior. This will be the time when the Jewish Nation of Israel will once again be center stage in God’s plan. Currently, God has them setting on the back burner. The Muslim mosque and dome are built on top of the site where the first and second temples stood, and is known as Temple Mount. I have no idea how the destruction of that mosque will occur, but the Scripture says they’ll be a third temple built. The Bible never makes a connection between the timing of the resurrection (rapture) and the start of the third Jerusalem Temple being built, except that the resurrection must occur before the start of tribulation because scripture states that by the mid-point of tribulation the temple will be built and defiled by the Antichrist.

Additionally, tribulation begins with a deceitful peace treaty between the Antichrist and the Jewish people which could possibly initiate the building of the third temple. However, this is mere speculation. Marking the mid-point of tribulation the Antichrist will compromise the peace agreement, taking a seat in the temple himself and calling himself God, which in effect defiles the temple as described in the book of 2 Thessalonians. That my dear friends is pretty heavy thoughts for my brain. But when you look at the world today, is it hard to believe of any of that being far off?

And yet, God’s house sets empty of many souls that are going to be left behind when God returns for His church. It’s the most heart wrenching thought that stays in my mind because I have so many family and friends that I do to know the condition of their souls. Many tell me they’re fine. But how do they know? Were I not in church at every opportunity, in the Word of God myself, reading these scriptures and receiving the great peace that comes from the gift of the Holy Spirit, I would be terrified. I know because prior to salvation I was terrified.

God started dealing with my heart at the age of nine. Why that age, I have no idea. But I had been in church enough to know this prophecy… the end would come and it was bad. I don’t think it was by chance that God started my journey in the scripture in the book of Revelation. And I don’t think it is perchance that you’re reading my blog today. Below are the words to Matthew 24 and the link to a video of the song. I love you, whomever you are. Please, if you don’t know Jesus, message me today. If you don’t attend church, find you a good one and begin. It’s the sweetest experience in life.

Matthew 24

Words and music by Lonnie Glosson

I [D] believe the time is coming
For the [G] Lord to come a-[D] gain
I believe the end is nearing ev’ry [A7] door
I be-[D] lieve the good old Bible
From [G] beginning to the [D] end
Just compare today with [A7] Matthew twenty-[D] four[D]
We are living, surely living
In the [G] days He speaks a-[D] bout
All of these we now are having every [A7] day
Let’s be [D] ready for His coming
Let us [G] meet Him with a [D] shout
For He tells us in His [A7] word to watch and [D] pray
While upon the Mount of Olives
His disciples came to Him
Saying: “Tell us when these things are going to be”
Jesus answered: “Be ye watching;
Let ev’ryone be free from sin
And take heed no man shall ever ye deceive”[D]

We are living, surely living
In the [G] days He speaks a-[D] bout
All of these we now are having every [A7] day
Let’s be [D] ready for His coming
Let us [G] meet Him with a [D] shout
For He tells us in His [A7] word to watch and [D] pray

Jim and Jesse McReynolds "Matthew 24"

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