We are praying for Ukraine to be victorious over EVIL MAN PUTIN!!!!

Baptist Press

By Diana Chandler, posted September 10, 2024 in ERLCInternational News

NASHVILLE (BP) – “Pray for the transformation of our nation,” Ukrainian Baptist Theological Seminary President Yaroslav “Slavik” Pyzh implored Southern Baptists at the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission’s trustee meeting Sept. 10 in Nashville.

“Next time you mention Ukraine to God, please pray that our people will love God and respect the law,” Pyzh asked, presenting the lingering war as an evil that has given uncommon opportunity to spread the Gospel, even as he prays for peace and victory.

Although Ukraine’s population is not precisely known, the number of Protestant believers has doubled since Russia launched its latest attack on Ukraine in February 2022, Pyzh said. Hope has countered the death and hopelessness the war has wrought. The Rest of The Story Here


  1. I believe with every fiber of my being that failing to strongly support Ukraine in victory over Putin is a huge mistake on multiple levels, and not least for the reason(s) cited in this article. Very disappointed that so many conservatives have, apparently for perceived political advantage, chosen to forget WWII, the Cold War, the former Soviet Union, Communism v. Liberty, and the undeniable evil of Russia choosing to murder, kidnap and destroy another country without justification, and to do so contrary to promises it made to Ukraine assuring peace and support for Ukraine if Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons following the break up of the Soviet Union. Putin is not to be trusted. Kowtowing to Putin sends a message to the Christian world that really should not be sent. An end to the war is needed, obviously, but Ukraine needs to prevail in victory, setting Putin on his heels.

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