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What Americans Believe About Jesus

Photo From OUTREACH Magazine

We had such a blessed time sharing the love of Jesus in Alaska. I’ve always said that everything that we do or say should always point others to Jesus! FGGAM is a Great Commission Ministry! Glory! Ask us for a Team Jesus shirt when you see us!

I love this report from David Kinnaman! When Sharon and I are out sharing the love of JESUS and wearing our Team Jesus shirts we get so many smiles. Many say, “I am a member of the team.” Glory! Many folks we meet do not go to Church, but they love JESUS! They worship JESUS! Many tells us that they do not go to Church anymore because of the politics that came into their Church. When Politics Becomes Your Religion

We just returned from Alaska and had such a fun time sharing JESUS! We had so many wonderful talks with people from all sorts of backgrounds! Glory!

 David Kinnaman of Barna Trends

With the success of The Chosen streamed series and the conversations sparked by He Gets Us, Jesus Christ is trending in pop culture. However, does Jesus register in the hearts of Americans?

Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” In our own way, Barna has posed this question to millions of people over decades of surveys. Here are three findings from our most recent data on who Americans say Jesus is.

Most Americans believe Jesus Christ was a real person who actually lived. In our most recent studies, 4 in 5 U.S. adults say they believe Jesus is real, with 55% expressing complete certainty of this. This is encouragingly high given the changes in religious affiliation and church participation and the so-called “rise of the nones” over the past two decades.

Also hopeful: 7 in 10 adults (71%) say they view Jesus positively, connecting him with words like forgiveness and compassion. People feel warmly toward Jesus, and we’re seeing a high degree of spiritual openness in America. More Here

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