FGGAM photo of Pastor Dewey and Sharon Moede sharing the love of Jesus in Alaska for 12 days. Share Jesus with all! We are a Great Commission ministry!
Many Churches in America have forgotten to build bridges to folks who do not know JESUS! Too many love preaching to the choir! WAKE UP CHURCH! IT IS CALLED THE GREAT COMMISSION!

Back at the news desk this morning! Glory! We love serving you and God! No surprise here from Lifeway Research: Currently, half of Americans (49%) say they would rate the overall state of moral values in the country as poor. A third (34%) say they’re fair, 14% rate them as good, and just 1% say they’re excellent, according to Gallup. JESUS is the answer not more dirty politics! JESUS! The GOP caves on abortion! EVIL! Going against GOD is never a good idea, and that is exactly what the GOP is now doing. Makes me sick they are playing political football with GOD’S BABIES!

Let me see, I have written and reported on politics for 27 years. It started with Dewey’s Daily Cup in 1997. It has carried over to FGGAM now for over 12 years. I have stated until I am blue in the face, that politics is the playground of Satan. I have seen Pastors put all their might being horrible politicians. I see it today. There are Churches I will not go back to as they have lost a Biblcial Worldview. They are chasing people away from the Church. George Barna: “People have become more selfish, churches have become less influential, pastors have become less Bible-centric” I can identify many Churches by their politics instead of their belief in JESUS! I am here to tell you friends, until their is a Great Awakening in America we will continue to fall. The GOP and DEMS are not our worst enemies, it is SATAN! If you think a politician can save you, I feel badly for you. So many make a fool of themselves by their passion for politics. Look at what the GOP did to the pro-life movement! They threw it under the bus and caved on abortion. Such shame! If you think that Trump or Harris is going to save America, you are being very foolish. JESUS! JESUS!

The Church is losing everyday here in America because much of it has turned political. How do you except the Kingdom to grow when you support horrible politicians that spread pure mud and evil? Such hate! Hate never wins over anybody to JESUS! The greatest failure of ther American Church over the last two decades is not carrying out The Great Commission. My hero, the late Pastor Don Kimbro stated that to many years ago. Some have not officiated over a baptism in years. We talk to many people every week. We just spent two weeks in Alaska, the majority of folks think both parties are nuttier than a fruit cake! The majority of people we talked to on the trip do not attend a Church.

By the way, I encourage you to read this from Pastor Don: Butts, Bucks and Buildings!

The Christian Post

By Robin Schumacher, Exclusive Columnist

I bet you think this could never happen to you.

C. S. Lewis, in a book written over 80 years ago — The Screwtape Letters — talked about the dangers of letting politics become your religion. Lewis put the following words in the mouth of his professorial devil-uncle who was instructing a nephew on one way to wreck his human target:

“Let [your patient] begin by treating … Patriotism or Pacifism as part of his religion. Then let him, under the influence of partisan spirit, come to regard it as the most important part. Then quietly and gradually nurse him on to the stage at which the religion becomes merely part of the ‘cause,’ in which Christianity is valued chiefly because of the excellent arguments it can produce.”

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