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Where is all that Dirty, Smoky Air Coming From in Albuquerque?

FGGAM File Photo of Smoke in Albuquerque from a past wildfire

This smoke has caused me and Sharon much discomfort, It moved in last night. It has caused Sharon’s allergies to kick into high gear. Can you imagine the awful junk in that smoke? I can! Is there a better way? Federal review prompted by NM wildfire warns of staffing shortfalls for future prescribed burns

KOAT: A prescribed burn is sending smoke into the Albuquerque metro area.

According to the Santa Fe National Forest, a 1,701 acre prescribed burn was initiated on Thursday and was expected to last for 5 days. Crews will be using a combination of aerial and hand ignitions.

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Smoke from prescribed burns can be unhealthy, but the overall impact is generally lower than wildfire smoke: 

  • Short-term effects: Smoke can irritate the eyes, nose, and throat, and cause nausea. It can also cause temporary changes in lung function, making breathing more difficult. 
  • Long-term effects: Inhaling smoke over many years can contribute to respiratory and other health problems. 
  • Vulnerable groups: The elderly and people with preexisting health conditions are more likely to be affected. 
  • Smoke concentrations: High concentrations of smoke near homes or health-care facilities can be problematic. 
  • Smoke composition: The smoke from prescribed burns is a mixture of toxic particles and gases. 
  • Smoke management: Prescribed burn specialists can mitigate the risk by scheduling burns on days when the wind will clear the smoke quickly. 
  • Air quality standards: Prescribed burns can be planned to avoid exceeding air quality standards. 
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