Correlation between persecution and corruption explored

Iran – “Weak governance structures, lack of transparency, political patronage, and the influence of powerful interest groups, organized crime and terrorist networks often facilitate corruption” in Iran, the report asserts. At the same time, Iranian Christians “experience significant persecution due to the government’s strict interpretation and enforcement of Islamic law,” the report states. “Christians face discrimination, harassment and persecution, including arrest, imprisonment and even execution on charges such as apostasy, evangelism and blasphemy.”


Lord Have Mercy!

Baptist Press

By Ken Camp/Baptist Standard, posted October 4, 2024 in Persecution

Nations identified as some of the worst persecutors of Christians also have some of the most corrupt governments, a new study by International Christian Concern asserts.

Afghanistan, Myanmar, Nigeria and North Korea are just a few of the nations that demonstrate a clear correlation between the persecution of religious minorities – particularly Christians – and internal corruption, “Corruption and Christian Persecution” by ICC Fellow Lisa Navarrette maintains.

Navarrette’s report compares those nations ICC has identified as the worst countries for Christian persecution since 2021 and the Corruption Perceptions Index scores assigned to those countries by Transparency International.

The index ranks 180 countries and territories based on their perceived levels of public sector corruption on a scale of 0 to 100, with 0 as highly corrupt and 100 as extremely clean. More Here

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